
http://www.sina.com.cn 2007年09月11日 15:31   北文图书


  1. none:



  None of my friends know English. 我的朋友都不懂英语。

  None of the subjects are interesting to her. 这些课她都不感兴趣。

  An old car is better than none. 旧车也比没车好。


  He liked none of the books. 这些书他全不喜欢。

  Tickets for Friday? Sorry, we’ve got none left. 要星期五的票?对不起,一张也不剩了。


  We none of us said anything. 我们谁也没说话。

  We have none of us much interest in that. 我们谁对这都没有多大兴趣。


  She has none of her sister’s beauty. 她没有她妹妹那样漂亮。

  It’s none of your business. 这不关你的事。

  2. no主要作定语(有些词典标作形容词或限定词),构成否定式:

  She made no comment. 她没发表意见。

  The moon has no life. 月球上没有生命。

  3. no可构成nobody, no one, nothing等合成词,在句中用作:


  Nobody can answer the question. 没有人能回答这个问题。

  There is no one in the room. 房里没有人。

  There is nothing in the box. 盒子里没有东西。


  She saw nobody in the room. 她在房里没看见什么人。

  I have nothing to say. 我没有什么话说。


  I. 把下面句子译为汉语:

  1. None of us said anything.

  2. They longed to have children but they had none.

  3. How many tickets have you got? —None.

  4. None of them have been invited.

  5. None of us know the answer.

  6. None of this is your fault.

  7. I tried all the keys but none would fit the lock.

  8. None of us has been invited.

  9. She looked for some bread, but there was none left.

  10. None of my work is done.

  II. 用no, nobody, no one或nothing填空:

  1. ___ other person could have done it.

  2. ___ parking.

  3. This will be ___ easy work.

  4. ___ was there but my little sister.

  5. There was ___ to help us.

  6. Moses died, but ___ ever found his body.

  7. There was ___ for us to worry about.

  8. ___ I said seemed to bother her.

  9. I got the bicycle for ___.

  10. ___ knows how to answer it.


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