
http://www.sina.com.cn 2007年09月11日 15:31   北文图书


  1. many, much, few, little等不定代词:









 a few




 a little


  a. Many hands make light work. (谚语)人多好办事。

  Few words are best. (谚语)少说话最好。

  He gave us a little help. 他给了我们一点帮助。

  b. Few of us have ever been there. 我们很少人到过那里。

  A few of them are from the South. 他们有几个是南方人。

  There is little left. 没剩多少了。

  c. How many(much)do you want? 你要几个(多少)?

  I know little(don’t know much)about it. 我对它了解很少(不多)。

  间或作表语:How much is it? 多少钱?

  小贴士:many, much主要用于疑问句和否定句,肯定句中都用a lot of:

  A lot of students are interested in the course. 很多学生对这门课有兴趣。

  2. other表示“另外(那个)…”(a),也可用作定语(b):

  a. One girl is tall. The other is short. 有一个姑娘个子高,另外那个身材矮。

  One of them is an Englishman, the others are French. 他们中有一个是英国人,其他几个是法国人。

  b. I sleep in this room. My brother sleeps in the other. 我住这间房,我弟弟住另外那间。

  3. another表示“另一个”,“再一个”(也可作定语):

  If you have finished this book, I can give you another. 如果这本你看完了, 我可以再给你一本。

  One boy was reading; another was watching TV. 一个男孩在看书,另一个在看电视。

  Shall I get you another cup of tea? 要不要再给你倒一杯茶?


  I. 在下面空格中填入many, much, (a)few, (a)little:

  1. Europe has ___ mountains.

  2. You eat too ___ meat.

  3. I’m busy. I have ___ time to read.

  4. ___ people were saved, but ___ people died.

  5. May I have ___ of your cake?

  6. She stayed in France for ___ months, and can speak ___ French.

  7. We still have ___ to learn.

  8. ___ is known of his childhood.

  9. Could you tell me ___ about your hometown?

  10. I don’t know ___ about that country, but I can tell you ___.

  II. 在下面空格中填入other, another或others:

  1. Two of them were boys and the ___ was a girl.

  2. Would you like ___ orange?

  3. He is looking for his ___ glove.

  4. Of course, that’s ___ matter.

  5. They go home every ___ year.

  6. Can you give us ___ example?

  7. In ___ two weeks it'll be finished.

  8. Two of them are in town. Where are the ___?

  9. I’ll come to see her some ___ time.

  10. I don’t like this one. Show me ___.

  11. I saw your father the ___ day.

  12. ___ may not agree with you.


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