

http://www.sina.com.cn 2007年09月20日 23:23   北文图书

  20 物质名词


  beer brandy cake cheese cloth coal

  coffee coke cotton carry detergent disinfectant

  dye fabric fertilizer fuel fur glue

  ice ink insecticide iron jam jelly

  juice liqueur lotion meat medicine metal

  milk oil ointment ore paint paper

  perfume plastics poison preservative rain ribbon

  salad salt sand sauce snow soap

  soil soup steel sugar tea whisky

  water wine wood wool yarn yoghurt

  Tips: 一般说来物质名词是不可数的,因而没有复数形式,但有一些特殊情况:


  A dozen beers,please.请来一打啤酒。



  It was a special tea which tasted of orange blossoms.这是一种特别的茶,有橘子花味。



  The ship was in European waters.船在欧洲水域航行。



  用作物质名词 用作个体名词

  He was chopping wood.他在砍柴。 They entered a wood.他们走进一个树林。

  Oil and water will not mix. She has begun a portrait in oils.

  油与水不能混合。 她开始画一张油画画像。

  Children like to play with sand. The children are playing on the sands.

  孩子们爱玩沙子。 孩子们在沙滩上玩。

  为了表示数量,物质名词前可加“a... of”这类定语:

  a ball of wool一团毛线

  a bar of chocolate一块巧克力

  a bottle of brandy一瓶白兰地

  a cake of soap一块肥皂

  a can of beer一罐啤酒

  a cube of ice一块冰

  a cup of tea一杯茶

  a grain of sand一粒沙子

  a jar of jam一罐果酱

  a kilo of salt一公斤的盐

  a length of cloth一段布料

  a loaf of bread一大块面包

  a lump of sugar一块砖糖

  a pinch of sugar一小撮白糖

  a sheet of paper一张纸

  a slice of cake一片


  a stretch of water一片水域

  a tube of toothpaste一管牙膏

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