All undergraduate degree programmes offered by the University are recognized for purposes of employment and further studies in many countries around the world. Unless otherwise specified, all programmes are of three-year duration.
Faculty | Study Programme | Code | Abbreviation |
Architecture | Bachelor of Arts in Architectural Studies 建筑学文学士 |
6004 | BA(AS) |
Bachelor of Science in Surveying 理学士(测量学) |
6016 | BSC(SURV) | |
Arts | Bachelor of Arts 文学士 |
6054 | BA |
Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Education in Language Education – English (4 years)¹ 文学士及教育学士(语文教育)–英文教育 |
6066 | BA&BED(LangEd-Eng) | |
Business and Economics | Bachelor of Business Administration / Bachelor of Business Administration in Accounting and Finance 工商管理学学士/工商管理学学士-会计及财务 |
6781 | BBA/BBA(Acc&Fin) |
Bachelor of Business Administration (Information Systems)² 工商管理学学士(信息系统) |
6793 | BBA(IS) | |
Bachelor of Business Administration (International Business and Global Management) 工商管理学学士(国际商业及环球管理) |
6896 | BBA(IBGM) | |
Bachelor of Business Administration (Law)² 工商管理学学士(法学) |
6808 | BBA(LAW) | |
Bachelor of Economics / Bachelor of Finance /Bachelor of Economics & Finance 经济学学士/金融学学士/经济金融学学士 |
Dentistry | Bachelor of Dental Surgery (5 years) 牙医学士 |
6107 | BDS |
Education | Bachelor of Education in Language Education – Chinese Language and Literature (4 years) 教育学士(语文教育)–中文教育 |
6169 | BED(CHIN) |
Bachelor of Education in Language Education – English Language 教育学士(语文教育)–英文教育 |
6171 | BED(ENG) | |
Bachelor of Science in Speech and Hearing Sciences (4 years) 理学士(言语及听觉科学) |
6157 | BSC(SPEECH) | |
Bachelor of Science in Sports Science and Leisure Management 理学士(运动科学及康乐管理) |
6183 | BSC(SSLM) | |
Engineering | Bachelor of Engineering in Civil Engineering 工学学士-土木工程 |
6200 | BENG(CivE) |
Bachelor of Engineering in Civil Engineering (Environmental Engineering) 工学学士-土木工程(环境工程) |
6262 | BENG(Civ-EnvE) | |
Bachelor of Engineering in Civil Engineering (Law)² 工学学士-土木工程[法学] |
6341 | BENG(CivE-Law) | |
Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Engineering /Bachelor of Engineering in Electronic and Communications Engineering /Bachelor of Engineering in Electrical Engineering /Bachelor of Engineering in Information Engineering 工学学士-计算器工程 / 工学学士-电子及通讯工程/ 工学学士-电机工程 / 工学学士-讯息工程 |
6339 | BENG(CE/EComE/EE/InfoE) | |
Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science 工学学士-计算器科学 |
6987 | BENG(CompSc) | |
Bachelor of Engineering in Industrial Engineering and Technology Management /Bachelor of Engineering in Logistics Engineering and Supply Chain Management 工学学士-工业工程及科技管理 / 工学学士-后勤工程及物流管理 |
Bachelor of Engineering in Mechanical Engineering /Bachelor of Engineering in Building Services Engineering 工学学士-机械工程 / 工学学士-屋宇设备工程 |
6999 | BENG(ME)/BENG(BSE) | |
Bachelor of Engineering in Medical Engineering ³ 工学学士-医学工程 |
6391 | BENG(MedE) | |
Law | Bachelor of Laws (4 years) 法学士 |
6406 | LLB |
Medicine | Bachelor of Nursing (4 years) 护理学学士 |
6468 | BNURS |
Bachelor of Science in Bioinformatics ² 理学士(生物讯息学) |
6470 | BSC(BioInf) | |
Bachelor of Chinese Medicine (5 years) 中医全科学士 |
6482 | BChinMed | |
Science | Bachelor of Science 理学士 |
6901 | BSC |
Bachelor of Science in Actuarial Science 理学士(精算学) |
6729 | BSC(AC) | |
Social Sciences | Bachelor of Social Sciences 社会科学学士 |
6717 | BSS |
Bachelor of Social Work 社会工作学学士 |
6731 | BSW | |
Bachelor of Cognitive Science 认知科学学士 |
6779 | BCOGSC | |
Bachelor of Social Sciences (Government and Laws)² 社会科学学士(政治学与法学) |
6810 | BSS(GL) | |
Bachelor of Journalism 新闻学学士 |
6822 | B |
1. This double-degree is jointly offered by the Faculty of Arts and the Faculty of Education.
2. These programmes are jointly offered by the Faculties as listed below. Students studying under these programmes first follow a three-year curriculum leading to the degree concerned. Upon successful completion of the three-year programme, they may then undertake additional year(s) of study for a further qualification as follows:
(a) for BBA(IS) (offered jointly by the Faculty of Business and Economics and the Faculty of Engineering): Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science degree;
(b) for BBA(LAW) (offered jointly by the Faculty of Business and Economics and the Faculty of Law): Bachelor of Laws degree;
工商管理学士(法学)课程由经济及工商管理学院与法学院合办: 毕业生可同时获颁发工商管理学士学位及法学士学位。
(c) for BENG(CivE-Law) (offered jointly by the Faculty of Engineering and the Faculty of Law): Bachelor of Laws degree;
工学学士 -土木工程(法学)课程由工程学院与法学院合办:毕业生可同时获颁发工学学士学位及法学士学位。
(d) for BSS(GL) (offered jointly by the Faculty of Law and the Faculty of Social Sciences): Bachelor of Laws degree.
The additional year(s) of study in these programmes are optional and offered on a "self-financing" basis, which means
(a) that students studying for these further qualifications may be required to pay composition fees higher than the normal fee;
3. These programmes are jointly offered by the Faculty of Engineering and the Faculty of Medicine.
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