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http://www.sina.com.cn 2001/03/20 14:12   新浪文教


  The United States:  Fliers may want to have their tickets in hand before catching their planes, but the airline companies are doing everything they can to bring forward cost-saving ticketless flight- no paper needed, just a ticket number and a photo ID(带照片的身份证). Anyone who buys a Northwest E-ticket through the airline's computer service by June 16 will get an award(奖励). Next time you fly, you can buy another ticket for a friend for $99, good anywhere in the US or Canada through Feb. 12, 2000, along with the lowest ticket prices. Some airlines offer extra frequent-flier miles for the ticketless crowd. And there are rising punishments for paper lovers. American, Northwest, United, and last week,US Airways have raised the cost for lost-ticket replacement(替换)to $70 from either $60 or $50 . The airlines insist that the increase in price is not meant to push travelers toward E-tickets but only covers the increasing cost of replacing and tracking a missing ticket.

  67. Why is the new ticketless flight introduced?

  A. It is cheaper for air travelers.

  B. It helps reduce the cost for airlines.

  C. It can use computer to plan air traveling.

  D. It helps prevent fliers from losing their tickets.

  68. To encourage people to take ticketless flights, the airlines         ___________.

  A. sell their tickets for $99 from June to February the following year

  B. let travelers go to both the US and Canada with the same tickets

  C. allow each traveler to have an extra $99 ticket for a friend of       theirs

  D. offer ticketless travelers free miles to fly in the US

  69. Who are the paper lovers mentioned in the text?

  A. People who like to have paper airplane tickets.

  B. People who love paper products of various kinds.

  C. People who travel with paper on a plane.

  D. People who have lost their ticket and buy a second one.

  70. The airline companies say that they have raised the lost-ticket       replacement price in order to ____________.

  A. attract travelers to take ticketless flights

  B. punish those who insist on using paper tickets

  C. do better than other airline companies

  D. pay for the work to deal with lost tickets


  Charley: Come on, Steve. 71

  Steve: Wait a minute. 72

  Charley: O.K.

  Steve: By the way, can we give any sister a ride home tonight?

  Charley: Sure. 73

  Steve: Yeah. She wants to take some pictures.

  Charley: 74

  Steve: Yeah. She'd like to work for a newspaper someday.

  Charley: But I think it might be difficult for her to succeed. 75

  A. Well, she always enjoys sports games, doesn't she?

  B. I didn't know Eva was interested in photography.

  C. There are a lot of photographers out there.

  D. You mean she's coming to the game, too?

  E. I just have to close up the shop.

  F. Eva's closing the door.

  G. It's time to go.


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