Hong Kong International Medical Clinic, Beijing is located on 8th & 9th floor, Office Tower, Swiss?tel。 It has been in the medical industry for 22 years since June 12, 1993。 As an international medical institution, we are able to provide a team of experienced high-quality professionals, advanced equipments and elegant also spacious environment。 The clinic is passionately committed to provide the highest quality health care and services in prevention, diagnosis and treatment of human illness。
We offer a full range of outpatient care in medicine, such as GP, internal medicine, pediatrics, OB&GYN, dental clinic, surgery, dermatology, ophthalmology, ENT, TCM, physical examinations, experts consultations, as well as pharmacy, laboratory, radiology/Imaging, color doppler sonography and observation room。 Our medical and nursing teams contain more than 100 staff who all have excellent medical backgrounds and extensive clinical experiences。 To make it more convenient for our clients with medical insurance, the clinic work with more than 60 international and domestic insurance cooperators for direct billing services。
During the past 22 years, we have gained a good reputation based on our consummate medical technology and excellent services。 We truly appreciate all your support and will continue providing better medical services to take care of your health。
24 Hour Medical Service Hotline
(8610) 6553 2288 ext。 2345/6/7 6553 9752
8F-9F Office Tower, Swiss?tel Beijing, Hong Kong Macau Center, No.2 Chao Yang Men Bei Da Jie
随着国际学校的蓬勃发展,一方面学生升学拥有更多选择机会,另一方面繁杂的信息也使家 长陷入了择校困境。为此,“新浪2016国际学校择校巡展”,上海站将于4月24日8:00-12:00在上海虹桥元一希尔顿酒店举办;北京站将于5月 14日在北京饭店国际会展中心举办。京沪两地近百余所国际学校将参展。欲知更多信息,详见:新浪2016国际学校择校巡展火热开启。