惠灵顿罗杰珀 :用浸润式教学培养双语思维人才

惠灵顿罗杰珀 :用浸润式教学培养双语思维人才
2018年04月20日 16:02 新浪教育


  3月31日,新浪教育与教育部中国留学服务中心联合打造、首席合作伙伴哒哒英语特别支持的“新浪2018国际学校择校巡展(上海站)”在上海国际会议中心举办。包玉刚、惠立、华师大二附、世外、七宝德怀特、上实剑桥等数十所上海顶级国际学校及机构,剑桥大学等百所世界名校集体亮相,6位国际教育大咖现场演讲,分享“私藏干货”,助力学生和家长一站式解决择校难题、规划国际教育之路。以下是惠灵顿杭州校区总校长Paul Rogers的访谈实录:

惠灵顿杭州校区总校长 Paul Rogers惠灵顿杭州校区总校长 Paul Rogers

  主持人:各位网友大家好,这里是新浪教育国际学校栏目新浪2018国际学校择校巡展上海站的访谈现场,那么坐在我身边的就是惠灵顿杭州校区的总校长Paul Rogers。

  Each netizen everybody is good, welcome to the online interview live of “Sina International Education Fair 2018” from Sina International School Channel。 This is Paul Rogers, the Founding Executive Master at Wellington College Hangzhou。


  Can you introduce yourself?

  Paul Rogers:大家好,我是惠灵顿杭州校区总校长Paul Rogers。

  Certainly, my name is Paul Rogers; I’m the Executive Master at Wellington College Hangzhou。


  Compared to traditional education, what is the advantage of international-style education?

  Paul Rogers:首先我认为最大的不同在于我们视每一个孩子为独立的个体。每一个孩子都是不同的。如果您走进一所国际化的学校,您会发现孩子们并不是排排坐在一起上课听讲,而是互相交流,团队合作,这就是我们的优势。我们相信每个孩子都是各不相同的,学习方式也各有不同,因此我们注重为不同的孩子设置不同的学习场景,提供个性化的教育。

   I think the main way you see that difference is the way that we understand that the children are individuals。 Children are all very very different。 So if you came into a school, an international school, you will see that children are not being taught in roll, they are talking to each other, they are working in groups。 And we are celebrating that。 We are also aware that children are very very different。 They have different learning style, so therefore, the way we teach them have to be different in different situation and different subjects for different groups of children。


  What is your key selling point?

  Paul Rogers:杭州惠立最突出的特色就是拥有独特的历经数年设计研发的双语教育模型。这样严谨科学的双语教育模型既保留了中国国家课程标准的高要求,又借鉴了许多优秀课程的精华,为学生营造了一个浸润式的双语学习环境。我们致力于培养学生成为能在中英两种语言之间无缝切换的双语人才。当学生从杭州惠立毕业后,他们能以双语思维进行听说读写,甚至做梦。

  I think the key selling point is the fact that we have the bilingual model that we’ve been research for over two years。 And we think it is a very robust bilingual model which is built around the Chinese national curriculum but with lot of other aspects of some other curricular, which were create that very very strong robust teaching environment for those children in our care。 What we aim for is that the children are seamlessly moving between the languages of Chinese and English, and by the time they leave our school, they are able to think, read, write, even dream in two separate languages。


  Paul Rogers:杭州惠立学校计划招生规模为1600人。我们将尽己所能,将学校建设成为杭州、浙江、中国、乃至亚洲、世界范围内的最好的双语学校之一。

  Well, the future direction for our school is that we would enlarge up to about 1600 children。 Because our aim is very ambitions, our aim is to become the best bilingual school, to be known as the best bilingual school in Hangzhou firstly, then in Zhejiang, and in China, which means we will probably be one of the best school in Asia。 Then why not the world? We want to be known as that the best bilingual school as we can be。

  主持人: 那对于在国际教育道路上比较犹豫包括孩子未来发展方向比较迷茫的家长,您有建议给到他们呢?

  For those parents who are not sure about future education plan for their children, could you please share some advices?

  Paul Rogers:我建议家长们首先要非常明确希望孩子成为什么样的人才,希望孩子接受什么样的教育。如果您还没有决定,那么就去感兴趣的学校走访一下。仅仅依靠招生简章和官网的信息是不足以判断的,您需要和那里的老师们聊一聊,和家长们多多交流,然后再来做出自己的判断。

  yeah, what I would say to parents is to be very very sure about what you want for your children。 What sort of education you want。 If you are not sure, go to visit the school and visit them。 Don’t be rely on to looking at the prospectus and websites, you need to go there, you need to see the education and practices, you need to talk to teachers, you need to talk to parents, and actually see what happening。


  Thanks for your time to take this interview。









