

http://www.sina.com.cn   2007年07月19日 11:19   环球卓越

  Directions: Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words from the box. Change the form if necessary.

  Test 1

  immediate iron last letter lonely long mad master match mean

  1) He would be the _________ man to do such foolish things.

  2) Please inform me by _________ of your plan.

  3) My _________ family consists of my son and my wife.

  4) People know little about what the _________-term effects of the new drug will be.

  5) Would you like me to _________ your trousers for you?

  6) She went nearly _________ with grief after the child died.

  7) The _________ old man worked his life away like a work horse.

  8) Peter's father was very _________; he never gave Peter any new clothes.

  9) You should _________ your deeds to your beliefs.

  10) You must learn to _________ your temper.

  Test 2

  mirror novel order park permit piece plain plant please post

  1) In _________ to catch the train, she hurried through her work.

  2) Please _________ your car in the parking lot and hike in.

  3) The driver saw the police car following him in his side _________.

  4) He is such kind of person who always has _________ ideas.

  5) She _________ together an account of what had gone on during the stormy meeting.

  6) The gardener _________ trees and vegetables in the garden.

  7) Circumstances do not _________ me to help you.

  8) The names of the members of the team will be _________ up today.

  9) It's difficult to _________ everybody nowadays.

  10) He made it _________ that he did not like me.

  Test 3

  present press pride pronounce reason receive refer revolution rush safe

  1) She _________ herself on her ability to speak many foreign languages.

  2) The judge _________ sentence on the prisoner.

  3) _________ at the meeting were the leading members of the departments concerned.

  4) The _________ she was ill was that she had eaten bad meat.

  5) The press has been invited to a _________ conference to hear the government's statement on the event.

  6) The driver was _________to emergency room after the car accident.

  7) The explorer returned _________ and sound from a dangerous expedition.

  8) Air travel has caused a _________ in our way of living.

  9) He _________ his success to the good teaching he had had.

  10) The police _________ several complaints about the noise from the plant.

  Test 4

  satisfaction save sentence share shoulder silence society soil sound spare

  1) If you _________ now, you will be able to buy a car soon.

  2) The man who had killed his wife had children received a heavy _________.

  3) He looked at his work with a smile of _________.

  4) He _________ his way through the crowd in order to have a look at the film star.

  5) All my questions were met with _________ from him.

  6) The navy had a large _________ in bringing about the victory.

  7) This kind of sweet potatoes should be planted in sandy _________.

  8) You can sit here in your _________ time and read the carpet.

  9) When the bell _________, all students run into their classroom.

  10) _________ has a right to see law-breakers punished severely.

  Test 5

  succeed spring stamp suggest tap tear wage wind value treat

  1) These actions _________ him as a man of high principles.

  2) When I _________ that some villagers must have come in for a free drink, Mr. Thompson shook his head.

  3) The astronauts _________ in returning from the moon to the earth according to the plan.

  4) I _________ you on the shoulder to get your attention.

  5) When the door opened, She _________out of her chair to greet her father.

  6) The railroad workers asked for a _________ increase and went on a strike.

  7) We never know the _________ of water till the well is dry.

  8) Children are taught to _________ their parents and teachers with respect.

  9) The day is very still, without a breath of _________.

  10) She was given a fine because she had _________ some of the papers out of the book borrowed from the library.


  Test 1

  1) last

  2) letter

  3) immediate

  4) long

  5) iron

  6) mad

  7) lonely

  8) mean

  9) match

  10) master

  Test 2

  1) order

  2) park

  3) mirror

  4) novel

  5) pieced

  6) plants

  7) permit

  8) posted

  9) please

  10) plain

  Test 3

  1) prided

  2) pronounced

  3) Present

  4) reason

  5) press

  6) rushed

  7) safe

  8) revolution

  9) referred

  10) received

  Test 4

  1) save

  2) sentence

  3) satisfaction

  4) shouldered

  5) silence

  6) share

  7) soil

  8) spare

  9) sounds

  10) Society

  Test 5

  1) stamped

  2) suggested

  3) succeeded

  4) tapped

  5) sprang

  6) wage

  7) value

  8) treat

  9) wind

  10) torn

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