

http://www.sina.com.cn   2007年10月30日 13:49   恩波教育

  Section Ⅲ Writing

  Part A


  Dear Madam or Sir,

  I am a university graduate of Economics, preparing to sit for the entrance test for MA of your School. Im eager to know what subjects and their scopes are to be tested, and what question patterns are to be used. Id be very grateful if I could get a copy of printed outlines or descriptions of them.

  Im also concerned with your planned enrolments. Do you have any extra quota for enrolment?

  Itd be nice if you inform me whether you will offer any pretest guiding or training courses and materials. How can I get them, if any?

  Thank you for your time on my enquiries. Im looking forward to hearing from you soon.

  Truly yours,

  Li Ming

  Part B


  The scene in the picture is shocking: the severe drought has turned the farmland into cracked pieces of baren soil. A helpless farmer is gazing at the cloudless sky in despair with driedup shoots in his hands. Obviously, what he wishes for is nothing but a long due rainfall, for continuous drought must result in crop failure followed by famine.

  Traditionally, drought has been regarded as one of natural disasters. But nowadays it involves environmental impact of manmade pollutions, especially the emission of CO2 into the atmosphere, which causes hazardous changes in the earth climate, such as global warming, droughts, floods and so on. There are the natures punishment and revenge on humans for their selfish conduct.

  To survive the crisis requires global efforts in many ways: decreasing energy consumption, reducing and finally banning discharge of harmful exhaust fumes and substances into the air, saving fresh water resources, improving irrigation systems, etc. In brief, we are eating what we have sown, and we have to pay the price for the consequence. It is no exaggeration to say that our existence would be impossible unless we resort to environmentally friendly remedies.

  Model Test 1 重点阅读文章参考译文

  Text 2










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