

http://www.sina.com.cn   2007年10月31日 14:15   恩波教育

  Section Ⅲ Writing

  Part A



  A 90% new mobile phone of Nokia 3608 with color screen and silver gray case was found missing yesterday(Friday,Nov.12).On the back of the phone case are carved my initials “LM”.

  Possibly I left it in the Reading Room 2 of our college library,where I was writing my papers yesterday morning,or maybe I dropped it in the Post Office on campus when I mailed a parcel in the afternoon.

  Anyone who found it,or has information about it,is requested to contact me at XXXX XXXX.The finder will be offered a handsome reward of gratitude on returning the phone.

  Thank you for your attention to this notice.

  Li Ming

  Part B


  The picture presents a real traffic scene in which endless columns of vehicles have jammed the road,making movement impossible.Much valuable time is wasted and many important businesses are delayed in the helpless waiting for progress.Its no exaggeration to say that the inconvenience and losses caused by traffic jams are inestimable.

  Traffic problem is an inescapable outcome of social and economical development,and therefore is common to most capital cities all over the world.The accelerated urbanization,the rapid increase of private cars,and the lag of road construction are responsible for traffic congestion.

  As the traffic problem involves many factors,there is no single measure that can solve it once for all.For the present,realistic solutions may include:

  To give priority to improving and developing masstransit system,both ground and underground;

  To set up proper limits to private vehicles;

  To perfect traffic regulations and management,and

  To advocate bicycling or walking between home and office.

  However,any successful resolution of the problem depends not so much on public concerns and appeals as on the initiative and determination of the local municipal administrations.

  Model Test 5 重点阅读文章参考译文

  Text 3




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