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2007年12月20日 11:54 万学海文
看电影《忍者神龟》,学英语 对于80 后来说,动画片是陪他们一起长大的挚友。一直到现在,很多曾经过目不忘的经典动画片仍旧留在他们的脑海里。不但可以如数家珍,甚至还可以讲出一些记忆犹新的细节片断。 在众多的动画片中,《忍者神龟》可以说是最为经典的作品之一。2007年,好莱坞传来好消息,阔别银幕14年的《忍者神龟》将重新与大家见面。这部新片最大的特点就是利用了电脑CGI技术制作出三维的逼真效果,以及配合更精彩的故事奉献给世界观众。 新片讲述了忍者神龟在打败了长久以来的劲敌、终极反派史莱德之后,也开始面对"成长的烦恼"了,他们不再一起战斗,而是开始专注于自己喜欢的领域,成了四个形单影只的"独行侠"。这种情况让他们的恩师斯普林特异常担心。尤其是最近纽约市出现了一系列无法解释的古怪事件,让斯普林特更加眉头紧锁…… 原来非常富有的实业家马克西米林安·J·威特斯培养收集了一支由古老的怪兽组成的军队,正在对这个世界虎视眈眈…… Four turtles...four brothers,genetically reborn in the sewers of New York. Named after the great Renaissance masters and trained as ninjas. They battled many creatures and foes before defeating their archenemy the Shredder. But now a greater evil is poised to destroy their very brotherhood. An evil born 3000 years ago. It was in that time that a warrior king named Yoatl led a brotherhood that fought side by side with one purpose: To conquer all the kingdoms of the world. Nothing could stand in their way as they left a trail of destruction behind them. In his quest, the warrior learned of a constellation known as the Stars of Kikan Every 3000 years, the stars would align opening a portal to a world of unknown power. He became immortal,but at a price.His brotherhood was turned to stone. And upon the portal's opening. 13 monsters were released into our world. The warrior king was left to eternally walk the Earth unable to die or forget his horrible mistake.And the monsters that were unleashed. Continue to plague mankind to this very day. 四只神龟,四个兄弟。因为基因突变,在纽约的下水道里获得重生。他们以文艺复兴时期的大师命名,并被训练成为忍者。他们过五关斩六将,终于战胜了他们的宿敌——施莱德。但是现在,一个更强大的恶魔准备要破坏他们的手足之情——一个三千年前就存在至今的恶魔,那时候曾经有一位叫约特的战神,率领着他的弟兄们为着同一个目标而并肩战斗,征服世界上所有的王国,他们势不可挡,所到之处,生灵涂炭。经过一番探索,战神知道了一个关于星座的秘密。一个关于基坎星座的秘密,每过三千年,这些星星就会连成一线。届时一条通向一个神秘而强大世界的通道就会被打开。他成就了不朽功绩...但是也付出了沉重的代价,他的弟兄们都变成了石头,而且随着通道的打开。十三个魔兽被放逐到我们这个世界。战神则永远在这世上徘徊,不能够死,并且永远无法忘记自己犯下的大错,而那些被释放出来的魔兽们,至今仍然祸害着世人。 在危险到来时,尽管他们也有心理斗争,也有如人类人格上的缺陷,但是,最终,他们还是选择了团结一心,众志成城的反抗敌人。 Hurry, we don't have much time. Hey. I got shotgun. Forget about them. By the time they return, the portal will already be closed. With you inside it. I hate to see brothers fight like this. Unless it's together. Hate to rain on your parade, pal, but we thought we'd even the odds. We're going to enjoy this. Let's hope so, because if not, Aguila will use the portal to draw-forth an army of evil and the world will be lost. More beasts. Let's send them back where they belong. Thing about you immortal stone guys is you know, you're immortal and made of stone. These guys really don't die. Sensei, are you all right? We must do this more often……Typical. We do all the work, he gets all the thanks. You are every bit the warriors I was informed you were. You have passed. Savor your victory tonight. 行动,我们时间不多了。嘿,一起吧,我有猎枪。别指望了,等他们回来,大门也该关闭了。把你关在里面,我不喜欢看自相残杀,除非我们也参与进去。我很扫兴,伙计们,我想我们势均力敌。奉陪到底,希望如此,否则大门一旦开启 阿基拉便会……召唤恶魔军队,到时候,世界就将毁灭,让我们送它们回老家吧关于你们这些不死的石头人,要知道,你们虽然不死,但仍然是用石头做的。这些家伙还真死不了,师父,你没事吧?我是该多运动运动了……还是老样子,咱们卖力他讨好,正如我听说的,你们是名副其实的勇士,你们顺利过关,晚上好好庆祝一下! 在这场邪恶与正义较量的战斗中,正义最后取得了胜利。这是让人欣慰的大结局。在众角色的对话中,一些经典的语句是我们在看后可以借鉴和学习的。例如: It's a long way from the city to just drop in. 远道而来不只是顺路拜访吧 No, I'm not playing hard to get. 不,我不是故弄玄虚 I think it's a disgrace, taking the law into your own hands like that. 我认为那是一种耻辱,把法律玩弄于股掌之间 Friends you can choose, but never your family. 你可以选择谁是你的朋友,但是你无法选择家人 These are the merits of a great leader as well... 这同样都是一个优秀领导者所必备的素质 but only when tempered with compassion and humility. 但你差的是就是那一点点同情心和谦逊 You may be the eyes and ears, but they are the muscle. 你们或许可以充当我的眼睛、耳朵但他们才是我强大的手足 Sometimes just taking a breather is the best thing to do. 有时候,退一步海阔天空 Let it consume you, and soon enough...you lose sight of everything. 一旦被它冲昏头脑,很快…它将蒙蔽你的双眼 We must return to the surface to take back what is ours. 我们要冲出去,夺回属于我们的一切 We stand for good, together. 我们永远是正义的化身 We are ninjas.We strike hard, defend, protect, and fade into the night. 我们惩恶扬善、除暴安良、来去无踪 And there ain't no bad guy or monster gonna ever change that. 没有妖魔鬼怪能够战胜我们 That's what's important.And that's why we'll always be brothers. 我们永远是团结一心的好兄弟 寓教于乐,是一举两得的最佳结果。那就让我们轻松看大片,开心学外语吧! 特别说明:由于各方面情况的不断调整与变化,新浪网所提供的所有考试信息仅供参考,敬请考生以权威部门公布的正式信息为准。
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