

http://www.sina.com.cn   2008年10月30日 15:00   清华在线

  List Three

  1. While shopping in a department store, I _______left my purse lying on a counter of handbags.

  A. initially B. fortunately C. frustratedly D. accidentally

  2. He pointed out that the living standard of urban and ______people continued to improve.

  A. remote B. municipal C. rural D. provincial

  3. No satisfactory _______ was given of these phenomena.

  A. discount B. account C. count D. recount

  4. The cashier was asked to ________every penny of the money that he took care of.

  A. count on B. use up C. amount to D. account for

  5. Our readers are comfortable with our clear, ______words that inform and entertain them.

  A. conventional B. concise C. creative D. crucial

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