

http://www.sina.com.cn   2008年10月30日 15:04   清华在线

  11 caution

  n.①小心,谨慎 prudence:When operating a machine,we must use caution.

  ②警告,告诫 warn:The teacher gave the students a caution against talking to strangers. .

  vt.警告,告诫:I cautioned him against being late.

  an advertisement campaign

  Our flight was ________ for the bad weather.

  ________ are not allowed to use a calculator in the exam.

  The company isn’t _______ to handling an order that large.

  The factory has the _____to build 1,500 trucks a year.

  The _______ soldier were released after the war.

  cancelled, candidate capable, capacity, captive

  A patient who is dying of incurable cancer of the throat is in terrible pain, which can no longer be satisfactorily _________.

  A) diminished B) alleviated C) relaxed D) abolished

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