

http://www.sina.com.cn   2011年01月15日 19:22   新浪教育[ 微博 ]



  suppose your cousin LI MING has just been admited to a university write him/her a letter to:

  (1)Congratulate him/her,and

  (2)give him/her suggestions on how to get prepared for university life  you should write about 100 words on ANSWER SHEET 2. DO not sign your own name at the end of the letter,Use "zhangwe


  Dear friend,

  I am writing to congratulate you on your being successfully admitted to Harvard University, which enjoys an international reputation for its academic excellence and give you some suggestions as to how to make preparation for the coming college life。

  In order for you to adapt yourself to the university life, you are advised to get prepared physically and intellectually. First and foremost, you need to build a strong body for the future academic pursuit, so you can take some exercises during the breaks. Secondly, since the study in university is more demanding than in your secondary school, you are highly suggested to find some introductory books from the library so as to have a good idea of the specialty you are going to take in your college life. Given your sound ability, you are sure to have a successful college life。

  Congratulate you again and wish you a fruitful college life。

  Sincerely yours,

  Zhang Wei


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