

http://www.sina.com.cn   2012年01月06日 16:55   万学海文微博


话题类别 具体题目 关键词
爱心&社会公德 被囚禁的爱心(反面) An Imprisoned Heart of Warmth; offering prompt help to those who are in trouble,
in distress or in difficulty; 原因之一:When one goes to help someone in a plight, he might be later suspected of causing the trouble in the first place.
爱的力量 the power of love
mutual help, take pleasure in helping others
“学雷锋”还是“跳雷坑”(反向) learn from Lei Feng or not?
offer one’s seat to the weak, old,
让座  pregnant, etc.;
美丽的真正含义(反面) inner beauty; mere physical beauty
对地上的纸屑视而不见 moral/morality, throwing litter about, ignoring others’ convenience
Honesty of enterprises, fierce competition, follow the spirit of honesty, essential to a enterprise’s survival and prosperity, build up honesty-oriented society, produce inferior and fake goods,
假冒伪劣商品 fake commodities
醉酒驾车的后果 the consequence of drunk driving
在其位,司其职 fulfill/do one’s duty
创新 创新的力量(正面) the role of innovation; innovation is the power of social progress; creativity;
如此“创新”(反面):只是复制,不是真的创新 innovation; a clone of the original one
环境,生活&发展 家庭消费的趋势:上网通讯、教育增加;衣食、住房减少。 the tendency of family expenses; changing expenditure proportions; online communication; education; clothes & food; housing
倡导“绿色生活” green living; pollution-free vegetables, ecological clothing, return to nature; a life of simplicity; environmentally friendly
  1. 最昂贵的事莫过于浪费
  2. 资源节约
thrift/economy, save/economize, waste, water resources
生态环境:学会放弃,珍惜拥有 The art of life consists in the art of learning to give up. to appreciate the true value of what we
家乡“变化”:经济发展了,环境变差了。 sustainable/harmonious development
个人奋斗&品质 面对困境时的态度 confronted with frustration and hardships
同甘共苦(强烈反差) Share both achievements and failures, share with sb both prosperity and adversity
勤奋:强者与弱者之分是汗水之分 diligence
要登上成功的阶梯首先必须走完从说到做的距离 Actions speak loudly than words.
成功者往往不是聪明透顶而是持之以恒 perseverance; persistence
成功者创造机遇而失败者等待机遇 take the initiative in creating opportunities
成功是必然还是偶然? Some maintain that success originates from his diligence and perseverance, whereas others argue that his success is nothing more than a stroke of good luck.
欲速则不达 preparation
既要计划也要行动 planning; acting
欲望无止境 desire, unrealistic goals,
公平 “公正决定”应与大众的决定和被裁定者的实际吻合:不能感情用事 fair decision
幸福 幸福感;幸福指数 the perception of happiness
幸福感 Sense of happiness, high salary, misunderstand happiness, lead a luxury life, equate happiness with wealth
媒介&科技 科技对生活的影响:人们依赖科技创新,面对面交流减少 Science and technology have brought with them many changes in our way of our living. to be increasingly reliant upon technological inventions such as cars, cellphones or computers
computer age, hand writing, Chinese character, tradition
网络围观 cyber space; microblog; communication
青少年自立 青少年自立问题: 大学生缺乏独立性,给父母造成负担。如“啃老”一族 NEET group, referring to people who are
not currently engaged in any form of education, employment and training; the young couple supported by their exhausted parents is sitting idly to reap where they have not sown.
青少年自立问题:拼爹时代 family background, hunt for a job, self-struggling for future
选择 影响人们做选择的主要因素:机会、生活成本等。 several factors count for a person’s choosing where he resides; opportunities and cost of living income, living conditions, social connections and competition
大学毕业时倾向于选择什么样的工作? What Jobs Do College Graduates Want To Do?
②Which road to take? Where to go?
  1. The relation between the direction for efforts/endeavor and success
  2. Making choice, making decision, realize success step by step, industrious, undergo challenge and hardship
  3. Adversity VS. choice
成功路上的选择很重要 dilemma at the crossroads; the road to success
“宝贝”放错了地方就是“垃圾”:大学生要找到合适的工作 to find the right job
价值观 不要忽略身边平凡的“小” common; ordinary; great
价值感,平凡与伟大 Self-commitment, dedicate to society, spirit of devotion
认识事物 对保健食品的反思 a positive attitude towards nourishment
Every coin has two sides. Take a detached attitude toward a thing.
教育与人的发展 建设绿色校园:绿色环境+健康人际关系  
Proper family education for children
身体与心理健康 physical and psychological health
小作文类型 小作文话题 关键词
投诉信 购买的产品质量有问题 complain; complaint; can not work properly
  1. Dissatisfaction, roommate’s inconsiderate behavior, apply for a single room
  2. Regular bus rider, unpunctual, uncomfortable, too crowded,
建议信 办公室禁烟问题 suggest; suggestion; No Smoking; anti-smoking; health; safety
选择专业 history or computer science, be interested in, offer better job prospects
申请信 申请信:申请做海外志愿汉语教师 apply for; application; volunteer; overseas
申请信:申请参加环境健康研讨会 apply for; application; hold/ attend a seminar on environmental health
求职信 求职信:大学毕业后找工作 apply for a job; application; doing some job hunting
推荐信 ① 作为教授为自己的学生写推荐信
② 作为老板为自己的下属写
recommend; recommendation
介绍信:介绍某人去朋友处工作或学习 introduce
感谢信 重灾区人民感谢捐款 thank; appreciation; grateful; victims who suffered from devastating Wenchuan Earthquake; donation; support; generous; generosity; rebuild; renew
thank for helps in an accident  
招聘信 招聘信:爱心协会招聘志愿者 recruit; volunteer; Love Association
演讲 呼吁公司员工参与“绿色交通”运动 car-free campaign; “green commuters” campaign.
倡议信 在微博上写信倡议人们献爱心 microblog; making an appeal for help for a patient suffering from a serious illness; soliciting contributions
请求信 请求信:请求客户更新信息 ask sb. to do sth.; update the data file
道歉信 道歉信:不接受公司提供的职位 apologize
咨询信 咨询信:①to study in a foreign university
②to visit an exhibition
  1. Ask about accommodation and fees, possible scholarships, qualifications for admission, etc.
  2. Ask for information about the contents of the exhibition, the dates of opening and closing and if any discounts available.
通知 通知:a Music Festival Enrich campus life, all kinds of music, pop songs, classical and folk music, play musical instruments, famous bands
祝贺信   congratulate; congratulation
慰问信   regret
邀请信   invite; invitation
摘要   The paper centers/focuses on …

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