

http://www.sina.com.cn   2012年01月08日 11:52   文都教育


  Dear  friends:

  On behalf of the student union, I am honored to extend my sincere welcome to your coming to our school! Here are some tips for your stay here:

  Firstly, a new subway station has been established at the east gate of our school, so it is much more convenient to come here from the airport.  Secondly, please remember to bring your passport with you as you may need it to obtain some certificate papers at the beginning, thirdly, in case of any problems, please feel free to contact the student union, we will be always there for you!

  Best wishes!


  大作文:            Always the bright site!

  To smile, or to cry, it is a question, especially when you confront with the situation mirrored in the picture: a bottle of milk is dropped and only half left, one cries over the loss, while the other smiles: how lucky we still have a half left!

  Similar things happen a lot in our lives. When troubles happen, it is always important for an enterprising mind to remember that hope still exists, that smiles might be the best policy! Taking science for instance, not a single great discovery is made without overcoming numerous setbacks and failures. Madam Curie spent over 20 years fighting with failures and frustrations. If she had faltered for even once, she would not have discovered Radium. So did other great inventors!

  Never tiring, never yielding, never finishing! When you are in trouble, remember what they say: when God shuts a door, he will also open a window for you. Life is full of ups and downs, and optimism, other than pessimism, is the best policy。


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