

http://www.sina.com.cn   2012年07月22日 08:12   跨考教育微博

    考研(微博)英语中最难的是什么?不少考生会说是阅读理解和翻译,而长难句又是我们攻克阅读理解和翻译的拦路虎。怎样才能做好这部分呢?跨考教育(微博)英语教研室的张老师 建议大家要多做练习,增强语感,通过做题阅读英文句子,长难句的能力会得到很大的提升。当然,做题也是要讲究技巧的,一味地钻牛角尖也不行,下面我们结合 一些实例,指导大家怎样分析考研英语长难句。

    1.Some philosophers argue that rights exist only within a social contract, as part of an exchange of duties and entitlements.


析句:Some philosophers argue是句子的主干,宾语是一个从句,介词短语as part of an exchange of duties and entitlementsrights的后置定语。

讲词:social contract意为“社会契约”,也可译为“民约论”或“社会契约论”,指社会成员之间或政府与人民之间确定和限制各自权利和义务的协议。


entitle的基本意思是“给……题名,给……称号;给予……权利; 使……有资格(做某事)”。

I think she is entitled to praise.(我看她值得赞扬。)

The book is entitled Natural Cancer Treatments.(这本书的名称是《癌症自然疗法》。)

The civil servants in our country are entitled to free medical care.(我们国家的公务员(微博)享受免费医疗。)entitlements意为“权利”。

2. Often they choose-and still are choosing-somewhat colder climates such as Oregon, Idaho and Alaska in order to escape smog, rime and other plaguesof urbanization in the Golden State.


析句:这是一个单句,其主干结构为They choose... and are choosing colder climates。破折号之间的成分是补充谓语成分。such as Oregon,Idaho and Alaska    somewhat colder climates的同位语,注意climates在句中并不是"气候"的意思,而是指"地区"in order to escape smog,crime and other plagues of urbanization in the Golden State作目的。

讲词: plague作名词时表示"瘟疫;麻烦;苦恼;灾祸",作动词时意为"折磨;使苦恼;使得灾祸"Health officials feared a dread plague was in the making.(卫生官员担心一种可怕的瘟疫正在形成。)Could the bird flu be the plague of our century?(禽流感会成为我们这个世纪的瘟疫吗?)For years, the country has been plagued by violence.(多年来这个国家一直受到暴力的困扰。)

3. This development-and its strong implications for US politics and economy in years ahead-has enthroned the South as America's most densely populated region for the first time in the history of the nation's head counting.


析句:句子的主干是This development... has enthroned the South as America's most densely populated region。破折号之间成分是对主语的补充。for the first time in the history是全句的状语。

讲词:enthrone意为"登基;加冕",在句中的意思是"正式确定为""成为""Ten years ago I was enthroned as the reincarnation of the 10th Panchen Lama," the 11th Panchen Lama told the crowd.(十一世班禅告诉人群:"十年前我被正式确定为第十世班禅的转世灵童。"

head countingcensus(人口普查)的通俗说法。


    更多信息请访问:新浪考研频道 考研论坛


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