《再别康桥》是徐志摩脍炙人口的诗篇,细致入微地描写了诗人对康桥的爱恋和对往昔生活的憧憬。英文翻译延续了中文诗篇的唯美,一起来欣赏一下吧! 再别康桥 Saying Good-bye to Cambridge Again 轻轻的我走了, 正如我轻轻的来; 我轻轻的招手, 作别西天的云彩。 Very quietly I take my leave As quietly as I came here; Quietly I wave good-bye To the rosy clouds in the western sky. 那河畔的金柳, 是夕阳中的新娘; 波光里的艳影, 在我的心头荡漾。 The golden willows by the riverside Are young brides in the setting sun; Their reflections on the shimmering waves Always linger in the depth of my heart. 软泥上的青荇, 油油的在水底招摇; 在康河的柔波里, 我甘心做一条水草。 The floating heart growing in the sludge Sways leisurely under the water; In the gentle waves of Cambridge I would be a water plant! 那榆荫下的一潭, 不是清泉,是天上虹; 揉碎在浮藻间,沉淀着彩虹似的梦。 That pool under the shade of elm trees Holds not water but the rainbow from the sky; Shattered to pieces among the duckweeds Is the sediment of a rainbow-like dream? 寻梦? 撑一支长篙, 向青草更青处漫溯, 满载一船星辉, 在星辉斑斓里放歌。 To seek a dream? Just to pole a boat upstream To where the green grass is more verdant; Or to have the boat fully loaded with starlight And sing aloud in the splendour of starlight. 但我不能放歌, 悄悄是别离的笙箫; 夏虫也为我沉默, 沉默是今晚的康桥! But I cannot sing aloud Quietness is my farewell music; Even summer insects heep silence for me Silent is Cambridge tonight! 悄悄的我走了, 正如我悄悄的来; 我挥一挥衣袖, 不带走一片云彩。 Very quietly I take my leave As quietly as I came here; Gently I flick my sleeves Not even a wisp of cloud will I bring away 怎么样,英文版的《再别康桥》是不是别有英伦的风味呢? 来源:EF英孚教育在线社区 网友评论