最近我很大方(generous),到处请客。在英语里“请客”都怎么说呢? It's on me. 我请客。 Hey, don't worry about it folks.It's on me. (It's my treat.) 兄弟们都放着,我来请! You get the next one. 下次你来吧! Don't worry about it, you get the next one. 别,这次我来,下回你请。 It's my treat. 今天我请客。 I wouldn't hear of it. 我不能让你们请客,我请。 Put your money away. No no no. I wouldn't hear of it. 把你钱包收起来,别呀,我不能让你们请客。 如果人家非要请客,那被请的人应该说什么呢? If you insist, but next time it's my treat. 好吧,如果你坚持你就请吧。不过下次算我的。 网友评论