25个拗口单词大揭秘 你的发音正确吗?

http://www.sina.com.cn   2012年05月13日 16:32   新浪教育


  以下是在FaceBook和Twitter上发起的投票中,非母语英语学习者认为特别拗口的25个单词。大家快来试试看,你的发音正确吗?Are you ready?

  1. thistle

  Be careful not to step on the thistle。

  2. crisps

  Potato chips are called crisps in England。

  3. should

  You should not pronounce the l when you say the word should。

  4. would

  Would and wood sound the same when you say them out loud。

  5. clothes

  Put on warm clothes before you head outside today。

  6. order

  The order of these words is not important。

  7. murder

  A man was charged with murder over the holidays。

  8. air

  The air is so cold you can see your breath。

  9. literature

  You can download classic literature for free online。

  10. language

  English is a difficult language to learn。

  11. onomatopoeia

  Onomatopoeia refers to words that sound like their meaning。

  12. deterioration

  It is difficult to watch the deterioration of a friend’s health。

  13. little

  If you practise, your English will improve little by little。

  14. assailant

  The assailant was caught by the police。

  15. catastrophic

  A catastrophic earthquake struck the centre of the city。

  16. alter

  Don’t alter your plans just because I can’t go。

  17. exclamation

  One exclamation mark is enough to get your point across。

  18. crocodile

  Captain Hook was petrified of the crocodile in the movie Peter Pan。

  19. unfortunate

  It is unfortunate that the weather has delayed our trip。

  20. six

  Six plus six equal twelve, which is also known as a dozen。

  21. development

  The development of new technology has allowed us to receive information very quickly。

  22. decision

  It wasn’t my decision to have a picnic in the rain。

  23. ambulance

  When you hear an ambulance you must pull over to the side of the road。

  24. law

  The law states that residents must clear their sidewalk when it snows。

  25. low

  If you bend down low, you will see where the children are hiding。



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