
http://www.sina.com.cn   2012年05月14日 15:03   沪江英语
福布斯公布“全球最具权势母亲”排行榜 希拉里拔得头筹福布斯公布“全球最具权势母亲”排行榜 希拉里拔得头筹

  India's ruling United Progressive Alliance (UPA) chairperson Sonia Gandhi and Pepsico's India-born CEO Indra Nooyi figure in Forbes' World's 20 Most Powerful Moms list topped by U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.


福布斯公布“全球最具权势母亲”排行榜 希拉里拔得头筹福布斯公布“全球最具权势母亲”排行榜 希拉里拔得头筹

  While Sonia Gandhi, 65, mother of daughter Priyanka and son Rahul, is ranked No. 6 just ahead of U.S. First Lady Michelle Obama (No. 7), Nooyi, 56, a mother of two, takes the third spot in the list released by the U.S. business magazine on Mother's Day, on Sunday.


  The chairperson of the soft drink giant said if her children call in the middle of a meeting, she takes the call.


  Power moms must develop unique strategies to succeed in both boardrooms and playrooms,ForbesWoman said, which chose the list from diverse spheres of government, business, entertainment and philanthropy.


  Clinton, 64, who has a daughter and holds one of the world's most powerful jobs, takes the top spot ahead of Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff, 64, who too has a daughter and a grandson, at second position.


  Myanmar's democracy icon Aung San Suu Kyi takes the 20th spot in the list that includes Melinda Gates, cofounder of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Christine Lagarde, managing director of the International Monetary Fund and Sheryl Sandberg, COO of Facebook.





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