Wedding bells will ring this summer for Marvel Comics' first openly gay hero, super speedster Northstar, and his longtime boyfriend。 今年夏天,Marvel漫画公司的超级英雄Northstar将向他长期的男朋友求婚。 The New York-based publisher said Tuesday that Canadian character Jean-Paul Beaubier will marry his beau, Kyle Jinadu, in the pages of "Astonishing X-Men" No. 51. That's due out June 20. Marvel公司纽约分部的新闻发言人周二称,加拿大人Jean-Paul Beaubier(也称Northstar,能够以超人的速度移动和飞翔)将在6月20日开始发售的《Astonishing X-Men》第51期中和长期的男友Kyle Jinadu结婚。 Northstar revealed he was gay in the pages of "Alpha Flight" No. 106 in 1992, one of Marvel Entertainment's first characters to do so。 Northstar在1992年发售的《Alpha Flight》第106期中坦白他是同性恋,他是Marvel漫画公司最早一批这样坦白的角色之一。 Ten years later, in 2002, gay characters Apollo and the Midnighter were married in the pages of "The Authority" published by DC's Wildstorm imprint。 十年后的2002年,同性恋漫画角色Apollo 和Midnighter也在DC's Wildstorm公司发行的《The Authority》中结婚。 Since then, numerous comic book heroes and villains have been written as gay, lesbian or transgender – from DC Comics' Kate Kane, aka Batwoman, to Hulkling and Wiccan in the pages of "Young Avengers." 从那时起,数量巨大的漫画角色被描写为男同、女同和双性恋,从DC漫画公司的Kate Kane,到aka Batwoman,再到漫画“年轻复仇者”里的Hulkling 和Wiccan。 For Marvel, the upcoming wedding is a way to further embed same-sex issues in its contemporary universe。 对Marvel漫画公司而言,即将到来的婚礼是一种将漫画中的同性恋话题嵌入当代世界中的方式。 "The Marvel Universe has always reflected the world outside your window, so we strive to make sure our characters, relationships and stories are grounded in that reality," said Axel Alonso, Marvel's editor-in-chief。 “Marvel的世界总是反映现实。因此我们努力确保漫画中的人物、人物之间的关系和故事情节都符合现实。我们在这个故事上付出了超过一年的努力,以确保Northstar和Kyle的婚礼体现Marvel的传统。”Marvel主编Axel Alonso在声明中称。 Author Marjorie Liu, who is writing "Astonishing X-Men," said the decision to have the pair marry was appropriate。 X战警系列漫画的作者Marjorie Liu说,让这两人结婚的决定是正确、合适的。 "As a writer – and a romance novelist, no less – I've always found it a bit odd when characters in comic books remain in relationship limbo for years at a time," she said。 Marjorie Liu说:“作为一个浪漫的小说家,我总觉得漫画书中的角色多年来再恋爱关系上止步不前是很奇怪的事情。” "Certainly, that happens in real life – some relationships just never grow – but the wonderful thing about stories is that they tend to move readers and characters forward," Liu said, adding that Northstar pops the question in issue No. 50, which is due out on Wednesday。 “当然有时候在实际生活中,有些关系就是不会又进展的。但在漫画故事中,总要有美好的事情来让读者和角色一路前行。”Marjorie Liu表示Northstar将在5月23日发售的第50期中向男友Kyle Jinadu求婚。 "And, in this case, it was time to do the same to Northstar and Kyle, who have one of those rare comic book romances that actually works." “是时候让Northstar 和Kyle的关系进步了,他们两人有着漫画角色中少有的真正动人的浪漫爱情。” As for the event itself, Liu said the wedding will take place in New York City, where gay marriage is legal, but given that Northstar is on the X-Men, it remains to be seen if the event will be trouble-free。 Liu说婚礼会在纽约举行,那里同性恋婚姻是违法的。但考虑到Northstar是X战警,这场婚礼应该还是没有什么麻烦的。 "As for the ceremony ... well, what wedding ever goes off without a hitch?" “哪会有一点麻烦都没有的完美婚姻呢?” 网友评论