要猫咪不要丈夫:以色列夫妇为550只猫离婚(图)![]() A man from southern Israel divorced his wife this week because she had brought 550 cats into their home。 本周,以色列南部一男子与妻子离婚,理由是她把550只猫带进家门。 The husband, apparently not a cat lover, told the Rabbinical Court in Beersheba that he was unable to sleep in his bedroom because the surface of the marital bed was constantly covered with cats who refused to lie on the floor。 这位丈夫显然不是个爱猫的人。他告诉贝尔谢巴的犹太法庭自己没法在卧室睡觉,因为夫妇俩的床上总是歇满了不愿躺在地上的猫。 The man, in his divorce request, complained that the cats also blocked his access to the bathroom and did not allow him to prepare meals in the kitchen, the Hebrew daily Maariv reported Wednesday. When he sat to eat, cats jumped onto the table and stole his food。 《每日希伯来晚祷报》周三报道,该男子在离婚请求中抱怨,猫们总是挡在他去盥洗室的通道上,而且不让他到厨房做饭。当他坐下来吃饭时,猫们总是跳到桌上偷吃他的饭。 The couple attempted reconciliation at the behest of the rabbinical court. The wife, however, was unable to part from her cats… and preferred to part from her husband。 在犹太法庭的要求下,夫妇两人试图和解,但看样子,妻子实在没法离开她的猫……相比之下她更愿意和丈夫分开。 网友评论