据报道,香港女星杨千嬅于昨日(6月5日)在香港剖腹产下一子,重近7斤。38岁的天后杨千嬅终于荣升妈妈,为一直想要孩子的丁子高添上他们的第一个爱情结晶。据悉,孩子预产期本来是6月18日,不过昨迫不及待出世。千嬅前一天在家打麻将时开始感到阵痛,丁子高非常紧张,立即安排她入院检查、生产。丈夫丁子高于昨日在微博公布了杨千嬅产子的喜讯,让大家分享他们的喜悦。 杨千嬅丈夫丁子高
丁子高更是给这个与杨千嬅的爱情结晶取名RMB(父母英文名Real、Miriam的Baby缩写),在微博中他写到:“超级无敌多谢老婆,RMB终于面世啦!” 晒大肚照
杨千嬅于2012年元旦日公布怀孕喜讯,开心高呼:“我们很快就要做爸爸妈妈了!”随后在家中安胎的准妈妈千嬅,常常在微博自曝大肚照,非常享受做妈妈的喜悦。 杨千嬅幸福婚纱照
杨千嬅(Miriam Yeung,1974年2月3日—),香港著名演员、歌手。籍贯广东汕头,出生于香港,原名杨泽嬅。在进入娱乐圈前,她是葵涌玛嘉烈医院任职护士,1995年透过参加无线电视的第14届新秀歌唱比赛得到季军而入行,后曾演绎过多首红极一时的金曲,成为当红歌手,并参演过多部电视、电影,都获过不匪的成绩。其中音乐代表作品有《小城大事》、《少女的祈祷》电影代表作品有《新扎师妹》、《志明与春娇》、《完美嫁衣》等等。 2009年8月11日,杨千嬅与丁子高在美国赌城拉斯维加斯注册结婚。2011年年底传出杨千嬅怀孕的消息。 Miriam Yeung, RN, (born February 3, 1974) is a Hong Kong actress and Cantopop singer. Before entering the entertainment business, she was a registered nurse at the Princess Margaret Hospital in Hong Kong. She studied at the Holy Family Canossian College Kowloon. She entered the entertainment industry after coming third in the TVB 14th annual New Talent Singing Awards competition in 1995,and has steadily gained popularity ever since. New Mother Tips - Adapting To Your New Life Regardless of whether labor is long or short, whether it is hard or easy whether a baby is born vaginally or by cesarean, most parents recall the first hours and days after birth as crystal-clear images surrounded by haze. It is in this haze that you first take in your baby and make a giant leap from pregnancy to parenting. Now to do…… Get some sleep Remember to Eat Ask for help Get a haircut Get a pedicure Do things when your baby is awake Exercise Get dressed Lower your ambitions Plan ahead 网友评论