《暮光之城4》超级宝宝蕾妮斯梅曝光![]() Edward Cullen (Robert Pattinson) and Bella Swan’s (Kristen Stewart) baby Renesmee has made her photo debut on the cover of ‘Entertainment Weekly!’ Find out all the details and see the photo! Fans have been waiting in anticipation to see the first photo of the Twilight baby, and now the wait is over! The anticipated first-photo debuted as a sneak peek image on Entertainment Weekly’s Facebook page, showing Renesmee (Mackenzie Foy) peering her head into the world — between the gap formed by the hips of her parents Edward (Robert Pattinson) and Bella (Kristen Stewart)! In the featured cover photo above, Renesmee appears as an adorable, yet very aged toddler, with pale skin and beautiful chestnut brown hair! Dressed in stylish, yet dark clothing — Renesmee fits right in with her vampire parents! The photo also shows Renesmee holding her mom’s hand, who looks very protective of her loving child! 日前,《暮光之城4:破晓下》中的万众瞩目的新角色——超级宝宝蕾妮斯梅终于曝光!备受期待的吸血鬼一家——贝拉、爱德华和他们的宝宝蕾妮斯梅登上了美国《娱乐周刊》的封面,粉丝们久久的期盼终于实现了。照片中的蕾妮斯梅可爱却透露着一丝成熟,皮肤白皙,一头栗色长发。这一家三口是多么养眼啊! 从2008年开始。克里斯汀·斯图尔特和罗伯特·帕丁森的名字就随着《暮光之城》系列红遍全球,并且成为好莱坞曝光率最高的情侣之一。《暮光之城4:破晓下》是该系列的收官之作,贝拉因为生产吸血鬼混血女儿而生命垂危,最终变成吸血鬼而得到拯救。女儿蕾妮斯梅成长的非常快,除了父母的保护和疼爱,蕾妮斯梅还拥有狼人雅各布这位烙印爱人的护佑。但是,爱丽丝预见了贝拉的父亲会被杀死,库伦家族也会被灭门,长老们要向库伦家族要回什么呢?大家为了阻止那个世界末日而备战。贝拉与爱德华的百转千回、跌宕起伏的爱情罗曼史最终迎来了令人窒息的末日之战。 今年11月16日,《暮光之城4:破晓》下集将在北美地区上映精彩大结局,这一经典也终将画上圆满的句号。 网友评论