孔雀获评“潇洒爹”俏爸笑谈育儿经![]() Matt Bomer takes the prestigious title of the most stylish dad in New York City for a special Father’s Day editorial on the men’s retail site Park & Bond! 近日,马特•波莫(Matt Bomer)优雅登上男士零售网Park & Bond的父亲节特辑,并被该网站评为“纽约最时尚潮爸”。 ![]() “Our oldest has a fascination with ties,” the 34-year-old White Collar star told the site about his kids and fashion. “We’ll be going to a family dinner and he’ll come downstairs in a pair of shorts, a T-shirt, and a blue blazer with a tie. We let him rock that." “大儿子很迷领带,我们全家外出就餐,他穿着短裤T恤,套上运动衫就出门了。不过,他偏要系条领带。”但这位34岁的《猫鼠游戏》(White Collar)男星并不干涉孩子的时尚观,“我们由着他混搭,这也很酷。” ![]() “With three boys [Kit, Walker, and Henry], you’re constantly running around,” Matt added. “One of the amazing things that happens when you’re a parent is you find yourself sounding exactly like your parents did. Not only sounding like them, but saying the things that you hated hearing when you were a kid." “三个儿子[基特(Kit)、双胞胎沃克(Walker)、亨利(Henry)]围在身边,你得跟着他们跑来跑去,一刻都不消停。为人父母最有趣的地方就是,你会发现自己变得老爸老妈一个样。不但说起话来像他们,而且还会把儿时最烦听到的道理,再跟自己的下一代唠叨个没完。” 网友评论