
http://www.sina.com.cn   2012年06月18日 14:54   新浪教育



  In the first minute of the trailer for Snow White &the Huntsman, evil queen Ravenna, played by Charlize Theron, stripsnaked, sucks the “youth” out of a teenage girl, and plots to ripSnow White’s heart from her chest.


  Given that most people think of Snow White as an innocent girltwirling through a forest, singing about someday her prince willcome, this is less a trailer and more a statement of purpose: thisstory isn’t for children anymore.


  Snow White & The Huntsman, a bleak and brutalfilm with the tone close to Game of Thrones, is another fairytalefilm adaptation aimed at adults–after this year’s Mirror Mirror,last year’s Red Riding Hood, and dozens of other works in the pastdecade.


  According to The New York Times, they’re the latest trend“that’s undoing Disney’s 20th century work of transforminghorrifying folk stories into genial animated musicals”.


  When Disney released Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs–the firstfeature-length cartoon by the company, it set a standard for thecontemporary concept of the fairy tale: a whimsical, animated storyappropriate enough for the entire family.


  However, while the new retellings may seem subversive, they’reactually throwbacks, marking a return to what these talesoriginally were.


  “Fairy tales can never be completely separated from theirdarker origins,” film critic Scott Meslow wrote for TheAtlantic.


  “By contemporary standards, the Grimms’ original stories arepacked with violence and sex.”


  For example, The Juniper Tree features a stepmother killingher stepson and serving him to his father in a stew, and DarlingRoland features a mother-to-daughter axe murder.


  Meslow added that, if the audience has enough knowledge of theoriginal stories to appreciate how they’re being adapted, twistedfairy tales, such as Snow White & the Huntsman, andTV shows like Grimm and Once Upon a Time, will work better.


  And it’s a knowledge that contemporary children are gettingfurther and further away from, because they have grown up with moresubversive fairy tales, such as Shrek series and Enchanted, thanactual fairy tales.


  In many ways, the reverse-sanitization of the fairy tale is areturn to the origins of stories that were, in their earliestforms, only “related at adult gatherings after children had beenput to bed for the night”.


  As adults turn on an episode of Grimm after reading theirchildren to sleep, or see Snow White & the Hunstmanwhile their kids stay at home with a sitter, they’re embracing aconcept of the fairy tale that predates even the Grimm Brothers–atrend appropriate enough for the oldest stories of all.




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