
http://www.sina.com.cn   2012年06月18日 15:30   沪江英语

  1. What is it you don't like about winter weather?你到底不喜欢冬天的的什么?

  2. I don't like it when the weather gets real cold.我不喜欢冬天的酷冷

  3. I can't stand summer weather.我吃不消夏天的气候。

  4. The thing I don't like about driving is all the traffic on the road.我开车就怕塞车。

  5. He doesn't like the idea of going to bed early.他不喜欢早睡觉。

  6. I like to play tennis, but I’m not a very good player.我喜欢打网球,但我打得不太好。

  7. I don't like spinach even though I know it's good for me.我知道吃菠菜对我好,但我还是不喜欢吃。

  8. I'm afraid you're being too particular about your food.我认为你有一些偏食。

  9. He always finds fault with everything.他总是挑三捡四。

  10. She doesn't like anything I do or say.她看我什么都不顺眼。

  11. You have wonderful taste in clothes.你穿衣很有品味。

  12. What's your favourite pastime?有空时你最爱干啥?

  13. What did you like best about the movie?你最喜欢这部电影的什么?

  14. I didn't like the taste of the medicine, but I took it anyway.尽管我不喜欢这药的味道,但无论如何我都要吃。

  15. Why do you dislike the medicine so much?为什么你这样不喜欢这个药?



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