英母亲唱阿黛尔歌曲唤醒7岁昏迷女儿(图)![]() A seven year old girl left fighting for life with a brain haemorrhage has awoken from a week-long coma, after her mother sang Adele songs to her. Little Charlotte Neve had suffered the haemorrhage - extremely rare for someone of her age - in her sleep and it almost killed her and left her unable to see or speak. Following two operations to stop the bleeding on her brain she was left in a coma fighting for life - and doctors told her mother, Leila, to say her final goodbyes. But, when Leila, 31, got in the hospital bed to give Charlotte her final cuddle, Adele’s 'Rolling in the Deep' came on the radio - a song the pair used to sing together. Leila started singing it to her daughter - and Charlotte began to smile - astounding doctors. Within two days, Charlotte - from Trawden, Lancashire - had started speaking, could focus on colours and managed to get up from her bed. Two months on, she has astonished medics by learning to walk and talk has regained partial sight - and has now even gone back to school and dance classes. Leila said: 'It’s a complete miracle. Doctors told me to say goodbye and I thought I was going to lose my little girl. 'I climbed into her hospital bed to give her a cuddle - she was wired up to machines and unresponsive - and Adele came on the radio. 'I started singing it to her because she loves her and we used to sing that song together. 'Charlotte started smiling and I couldn’t believe it. It was the first time she had reacted to anything since the haemorrhage. The nurses were astounded and told me to keep singing, and she smiled again. 'The nurses said it was like I ‘unlocked her’ and from that day she started getting better and better.' Charlotte suffered the haemorrhage on April 13th - following a normal night watching DVDs with her mother and her sister. She was rushed to Leeds hospital and had to undergo two life saving operations - but doctors didn’t think she would survive. 【新闻快讯】 英国兰开夏郡7岁的小女孩夏洛特在今年4月13日跟她的母亲和姐姐一起通宵看DVD后,在睡觉时脑出血,陷入昏迷。脑出血对于夏洛特这个年纪的小孩子来说非常罕见,当时脑出血几乎让夏洛特丧命,病情稍稳定后夏洛特失明并且丧失了说话的能力。 在经历了两场阻止脑出血的手术后,医生们已经尽力,夏洛特陷入昏迷。医生们都让夏洛特31岁的母亲利拉,去跟夏洛特最后道别。利拉拥抱了夏洛特,唱起了母女俩经常合唱的著名歌手Adele的“Rolling in the Deep”。 此时令人惊奇的事情发生了,陷入昏迷的夏洛特笑了,这让在场的所有人都感到震惊。护士让利拉继续唱歌,而夏洛特又笑了。而在接下来的两天时间里,夏洛特开始说话,能起床下地,能辨别颜色。 经过两个月的治疗,现在的夏洛特已经恢复了部分视力并且能够独立行走。她已经重回学校,甚至能上舞蹈课了。护士们都认为,是母亲利拉唱的歌唤醒了昏迷的夏洛特。 网友评论