
http://www.sina.com.cn   2012年06月21日 14:13   沪江英语

  Despite European Championship elimination, a new list of cities with the most beautiful women in the world reveals men in Russia and Ukraine still have plenty to cheer about. 尽管在欧洲杯中出局,一份新的“世界美女之都”排名仍然值得俄罗斯和乌克兰庆祝一番。

  After Wayne Rooney's winner for England, people in the Ukrainian capital Kiev will be happily looking to each other for consolation. 在韦恩·鲁尼为英格兰赢得比赛之后,乌克兰首都基辅的人们可以相视一笑,寻求安慰。

  Travelers Digest's Top Ten Cities With The Most Beautiful Woman says Kiev is 'without a doubt, home to the world’s most beautiful women'.《游客文摘》最近评出的“世界十大美女之都”榜单这样评价基辅:“毫无疑问,这里是世界最美女子的家乡”。


  In praising its population the online magazine notes: 'A visit to Kiev is truly awe-inducing and it’s almost hard to believe that women this beautiful even exist.《游客文摘》不吝溢美之词:“基辅之行绝对具有诱惑力。简直难以置信,世界上竟然存在如此美丽的女子。”

  'And for anyone who thinks that beautiful women must be vapid

  as well, Ukrainian women are ready to disprove that theory. The women in the country are well educated and always ready to talk about literature or philosophy.'“对于那些认为美女只是‘花瓶’的人来说,乌克兰女子正是反例。她们教养良好,可以随时和你谈论文学和哲学。”

Former Russian spy Anna ChapmanFormer Russian spy Anna Chapman

  Russia's team was also knocked out in the group stage to the Greek team, who are renown for winning ugly on the pitch.俄罗斯队在小组赛中被希腊队淘汰,当然,这个对手在球场上名声不佳。

  But men in Moscow were more likely than most to have a beautiful shoulder to cry on, with their city rated as having the world's sixth most attractive females.但莫斯科的男人们幸运地有“红巾翠袖,揾英雄泪”,因为他们的城市被评为世界第六大出产美女的地方。

  Travelers Digest's says: 'This may surprise the cold-war generation who grew up believing the stereotypes of Russian women being plain and ordinary.《游客文摘》称:“这可能会使‘冷战一代’受到震惊,他们从小就被灌输了俄罗斯女人平庸乏味的偏见。”

  'A quick visit to Moscow should set you straight on that front. Think tall, blonde or brunette and blue-eyed goddesses.“对莫斯科的匆匆一瞥就会让你看到真相——想想那些高挑的、金色或褐色头发的、眼睛湛蓝的女神。”

  'That’s not to say these girls are easy to talk to; Russians can be an intimidating bunch.'“不过,这些女孩可不一定那么好打交道,她们也许是带刺的蔷薇。”

Swedish BeautiesSwedish Beauties

  Stockholm is on the second on this list, with the website saying: 'What you have seen on the beer commercials is true; Sweden really does have some of the world’s most beautiful women.斯德哥尔摩在榜单中居于次席,得到的评价是:“你在啤酒广告上看到的是真的——瑞典确实拥有一些世界上最美的女人。

  'The streets of Stockholm are literally packed with these gorgeous women, who are as tall as they are luscious. Even better, is that Scandinavians are world renowned for their friendliness, so there’s a good chance that the girl you’re eyeing is actually a sweet and down to earth person.'“斯德哥尔摩街头随处可见光彩照人、性感高挑的女郎——这可不是夸张。更好的是,斯堪的纳维亚人的友好举世闻名,你看到的美丽女孩可能正是一位甜美、平易近人的姑娘。”

Buenos Aires VS Tel AvivBuenos Aires VS Tel Aviv

  The only American city that makes the list is third placed New York. The website notes: 'New York was a close call for the number-one spot. Because New York is a melting pot of so many different cultures and ethnicities, the city has some of the most diverse and beautiful women in the world. The clubs in the Meatpacking District are packed full of models, and Brooklyn has enough cute hipster chicks to fill a thousand Apple stores.' 唯一入围的美国城市是纽约,位居第三。据该网站评价:“纽约具有冲击冠军的实力。她是如此多种族和文化的大熔炉,有着世界上最美丽和多样的女子。Meatpacking区的俱乐部里到处是模特儿,布鲁克林区时髦可爱的女郎也足以挤满一千个苹果商店。”

  If you want to visit Buenos Aires, Argentina which is fourth on the list 'ask the most beautiful woman, that you have ever seen in your life, to teach you the tango' the Travelers Digest suggests.如果你想拜访阿根廷的布宜诺斯艾利斯,榜单上名列第四的地方,你可以“邀请一位你从未见过的最美丽的女郎,教你跳探戈舞。”《游客文摘》这样建议。

  Number five is Varna in Bulgaria where the country’s gorgeous Black Sea Coast 'becomes jam-packed with sunbathing beauties' in the summer.第五位是保加利亚的瓦尔纳,那里著名的黑海海滩每到夏季就“挤满晒日光浴的美人儿。”

  Travelers Digest named Tel Aviv, Israel, as a city with the seventh some very beautiful women in the world. It says: 'There’s just something about dark features and green eyes that is exotic and appealing. One famous Israeli beauty is Bar Refaeli, international swimsuit model and one time girlfriend of Leonardo DiCaprio. 'A word of caution though; in Israel women over the age of 18 are required to have served in the Israeli military. This means that you should be very careful before trying to pull a "fast one".'获得第七位提名的则是以色列的特拉维夫。“深肤色和碧绿的眼睛,充满异域风情和吸引力。” 一位最著名的以色列美女是芭儿·拉法莉,国际泳装名模,好莱坞男星莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥的前女友。“一句忠告:以色列要求18岁以上的女子到军队服役。这意味着你要是想和她们眉来眼去,可要非常小心。”

Buenos Aires VS Tel AvivBuenos Aires VS Tel Aviv

  In eight place is the Dutch capital Amsterdam is a must visit for beautiful women according to Travelers Digest. The site said: 'Dutch women are just fantastic, liberal and open-minded beauties who are well educated and fun. Check out the nightlife in Leidseplein or take a romantic canal side stroll with a new lover and you’ll see that Amsterdam is so much more than just its red light district.'名列第八的是荷兰首都阿姆斯特丹。《游客文摘》网站评论道:“荷兰女人就是那样迷人,自由而开放,教养良好而富有风趣。看看莱兹广场的夜生活,或者和情人来一次浪漫的河边漫步,你会知道阿姆斯特丹的魅力远远不止于那里的红灯区。”

  The list was rounded out with Seoul in South Korea taking ninth spot and Montreal, Canada at number 10.位于榜单后两位的分别是韩国首尔(第九)和加拿大蒙特利尔(第十)。



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