经常对着手机、电脑屏幕,你有没有发现周围近视的人越来越多?关于近视的话题在日常生活中也越来越普遍,今天我们来学习一下如何用英语聊“近视”。 1. I'll have my sight tested tomorrow. My vision is a littleblurry recently. 最近看东西有点模糊,我明天去检查视力。 2. He finally realized that he was shortsighted and went to theoptician. 他终于明白他眼睛近视了,于是去配了眼镜。 3. You'll go cross-eyed. 你会变斜视眼的。 4. I have high astigmatism, and at night when I look at thestars or streetlamps, the light distorts into a diamond likeshape. 我散光度数很高,晚上看星星或路灯的时候,觉得灯光看起来像钻石的光芒一样。 5. I have double-vision. 我有复视。 6. You may wear a patch over your good eye to help fix your lazyeye. 在视力正常的眼睛上带个眼罩有利于纠正另一只眼睛的弱视。 7. How strong are your glasses? 4 diopters. 你近视多少度?四百度。 8. Her eyesight grew dim with age. 她的视力因年岁的增长而变差了。 9. Some people can have their vision restored by a surgicaloperation. 有些人可以通过外科手术恢复视力。 10. You're so lucky to have 20/20 vision. 你有1.0的视力,真幸运。 网友评论