继“富二代”、“官二代”、“贫二代”等网络流行词引发热议后,近日,网络上又出现一个热词——“拼爹游戏”。很多网友认为,在贫富差距越来越明显的社会,子女的贫富意识也越来越明显,这就造成了子女比拼各自的父母,例如:经济能力、社会地位等等,这些人认为自己学得好,有能力,不如有个“成功”的老爸…… Someone said:“Life is a game. Following rules is the only way you can survive。”Young people from poor families complain that they are currentlybeing judged on their family backgrounds rather than theirabilities and knowledge when they are out seeking for jobs, orfinding a potential partner. This is probably another one ofsociety’s rules and it’s called “competition of familybackground”. 有人说:“人生就是一场游戏。遵守游戏规则才能生存。”来自贫困家庭的年轻人都抱怨,说找工作、甚至找男女朋友的时候,人们看重的往往不是能力和知识,而是他们的家庭背景。这大概是这个社会的另一个规则吧,这个规则叫做“拼爹游戏”。 With a good family background,namely parents of high social status, wealth or power, thechildren, known as the “second rich generation,” are able to getdecent jobs and social status ahead of those from poorer families.Children from poor families think traits like hard-work, creativityand sound academic achievements can never beat having a “goodfather”. 有个好的家庭背景,比如父母社会地位高、有钱或有权,那么被称为“富二代”的他们的孩子就能轻易胜过贫困家庭的孩子得到体面的工作和社会地位。贫困家庭的孩子认为勤奋、创造力和好成绩根本比不上有个“好爸爸。” 网友评论