
http://www.sina.com.cn   2012年07月03日 11:37   沪江英语
糖果色动画《老雷斯的故事》: 泰勒&扎克倾情配音(新片速递)糖果色动画《老雷斯的故事》: 泰勒&扎克倾情配音(新片速递)

  老雷斯的故事- Dr. Seuss' The Lorax (2012)

  导演: 克里斯-雷纳德 / Kyle Balda

  编剧: 肯-道里欧 Ken Daurio / 辛科-保罗 / 苏斯博士

  主演: 扎克-埃夫隆 / 泰勒-史薇芙特 / 丹尼-德维托 / 艾德-赫尔姆斯 / 贝蒂-怀特 / Rob Riggle

  类型: 动画 / 家庭 / 奇幻

  语言: 英语

  上映日期: 2012-03-02(美国) / 2012-07-27(中国大陆)


  本片改编自著名苏斯博士(Dr. Seuss)1971年经典的同名儿童故事。

  从前有一个小镇,表面看似椰林树影,处处鸟语花香,其实所有花草树木都由机器组成,透过计算机全天候控制!偏偏泰德Ted(扎克-埃夫隆 Zac Efron 配音)有一个梦想,就是寻找一棵活生生的树木。全因他心仪的女生奥德丽Audrey(泰勒-史薇芙特 Taylor Swift 配音),希望能在有生之年亲眼目睹一棵真正的树。于是他独自犯险,深入不毛之地,找到一个谜一样的神秘人。神秘人跟泰德诉说小镇的过去:在很久很久以前,这个现代化的小镇曾经是如仙境般奇幻的自然世界。那里长满拥有梦幻般色彩的神奇树木,还住着一只全身鲜橙色、蓄着大胡子的精灵──老雷斯Lorax(丹尼-德维托 Danny DeVito 配音)。他脾气古怪,模样搞笑,一直守护着森林。可是神秘人的出现,令这美妙的世界开始改变…… 得悉小镇过去的泰德能否找到老雷斯?又能否将真正的森林带回小镇?

  The Lorax is a 2012 American computer-animated

  3D musical comedy film based on Dr. Seuss' children's book of the same name. It was produced by Illumination Entertainment and was released by Universal Pictures on March 2, 2012, the 108th anniversary of Seuss' birth.

  The film is the fourth feature film based on a book by Dr. Seuss, the second Dr. Seuss adaptation.

  fully computer-animated after Horton Hears a Who!, and the first released in 3-D. The Lorax was Illumination Entertainment's first film presented in IMAX 3D (known as "IMAX Tree-D" in publicity for the film).

  It is the second film adaptation of the book, after the 1972 animated musical television special. It builds on the book by expanding the story of Ted, the boy who visits the Once-ler and was unnamed in the book and television special. The main cast includes Danny DeVito as the Lorax, Zac Efron as Ted, and Ed Helms as the Once-ler. New characters introduced in the film are Audrey, who is voiced by Taylor Swift, Aloysius O'Hare, voiced by Rob Riggle, and Grammy Norma, voiced by Betty White.



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