
http://www.sina.com.cn   2012年07月06日 15:20   沪江英语


  school --- 学校

  primary school --- 小学

  secondary school --- 中学

  college --- 学院

  university --- 大学

  term --- 学期

  campus --- 校园

  principal --- 校长

  teacher --- 教师

  English --- 英语

  Chinese --- 汉语

  math --- 数学

  history --- 历史

  music --- 音乐

  biology --- 生物

  computer --- 计算机

  classroom --- 教室

  textbook --- 教科书,课本

  pen --- 笔

  piece of paper --- 纸张

  blackboard --- 黑板

  rubber --- 橡皮

  desk --- 桌子

  chair --- 椅子

  ruler --- 直尺

  dictionary --- 字典

  exam --- 考试,测试

  quiz --- 测试

  mark --- 分数

  homework --- 家庭作业

  review --- 复习

  page --- 页

  repeat --- 重复,反复

  lecture --- 演讲

  library --- 图书馆


  I'm still studying.我还在念书。

  I have some questions.我有问题要问。

  After school, I do my homework.放学后,我做家庭作业。

  I don't want to fail my exams.我不想考试不及格。

  I forgot my homework.我忘了写作业。

  Could I use your ruler?我可以用你的尺子吗?

  It's my freshman year.我是新生。

  I failed my history mid-term.期中考(微博)试我历史考砸了。

  Can I borrow your textbook?可以借你的书用下吗?

  I get a degree.我拿到了学位。

  Do you have Chinese this afternoon?你下午有语文课吗?

  Can you say it again, please?请你再说一遍好吗?

  Class begins.开始上课。

  It's your turn.轮到你了。

  Well done.做的不错。

  Time's up.时间到。

  Nobody? Anyone? No one? Anybody else?没人?还有别的人吗?

  Speak loudly.说大声点。

  What do you think about that?你的看法是?

  Stand up!起立!

  Go to the board.到黑板前来。

  Write your name.写下你的名字。

  Sit down。坐好。

  Open your book.打开课本。

  Turn to page six.翻到第六页。

  Read page six.朗读第六页。

  Close your book.把书合起来。

  Put away your book.把书收起来。

  Listen to the question.听问题。

  Raise your hand.举手。

  Give the answer.给出答案。

  Answer the questions.回答问题。

  Work in groups.小组讨论。

  Help each other.互相帮助。

  Do your homework.做你的家庭作业。

  Bring in your homework.带上你的家庭作业。

  Check the answers.检查答案。

  Hand in your homework.交家庭作业。

  Take out a piece of paper.拿出一张纸。

  Turn off the lights.关掉灯。

  Turn on the projector.打开放映机。

  Take notes.做笔记。



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