
http://www.sina.com.cn   2012年07月06日 15:32   沪江英语

  1991年,鲍威尔在于乔布斯结婚几个月后(when Powell gave birth in 1991, a few months after her wedding to Jobs),产下里德。结婚7年,鲍威尔和乔布斯有了三个孩子,一儿两女,Reed(里德)、Erin (埃琳)、Eve(伊芙)。里德聪慧敏锐(incisive and smart),偏爱理科;埃琳文静,承袭乔布斯的兴趣,热爱设计和建筑(picked up her father's interest in design and architecture);最小的伊芙被乔巴斯誉为非总统即苹果掌门人(she’s the one who will run Apple someday, if she doesn’t become president of the United States).三个孩子性格各异,天赋不同。这一期让我们走进乔布斯的家庭,走近他和鲍威尔的三个孩子: 


  Reed turned out to be like his father in many ways: incisive and smart, with intense eyes and a mesmerizing charm. But unlike his father, he had sweet manners and a self-effacing grace. He was creative—as a kid he liked to dress in costume and stay in character—and also a great student, interested in science. He could replicate his father’s stare, but he was demonstrably affectionate and seemed not to have an ounce of cruelty in his nature.

  Erin Siena Jobs was born in 1995. She was a little quieter and sometimes suffered from not getting much of her father’s attention. She picked up her father’s interest in design and architecture, but she also learned to keep a bit of an emotional distance, so as not to be hurt by his detachment.

  The youngest child, Eve, was born in 1998, and she turned into a strong-willed, funny firecracker who, neither needy nor intimidated, knew how to handle her father, negotiate with him (and sometimes win), and even make fun of him.Her father joked that she’s the one who will run Apple someday, if she doesn’t become president of the United States.(Chapter 21 Family Man: Children)  







  vt. 1.折叠;复制 

  a. 1.折叠的;复制的 

  n. 1.【音】八音阶间隔的反复音 


  Most viruses just replicate, a lot also do damage. 大多数的病毒只是复制,但也有不少进行破坏。 

  Where Exactly Does the Virus Replicate? 病毒到底在那里复制? 

  Virus can replicate in the blood. 病毒能在血液中繁殖。

  Tomorrow will not replicate today! 明天将不会照搬今天! 


  vt.使分离, 拆卸, 派遣[计算机] 脱离 

  A number of soldiers were detached to guard the building. 许多士兵被派去保护这座建筑物。

  He detached a link from a chain. 他从链子上拆下一个链环。


  n.冷漠, 公正, 分遣队, 脱离 

  He watched her suffering with clinical detachment. 他冷漠地看著她遭受的痛苦。

  Detachmentfrom one's physical surroundings, as in contemplation or daydreaming. 入定与某人的物质环境所分离,如在冥思或白日梦中。


  vt.胁迫, 威胁, 恐吓 

  The first strike capacity is intended mainly to intimidate adversary. 第一次攻击的武力主要是用来吓阻敌方的 

  To intimidate or dominate in a blustering way. 威吓,欺凌以威胁的方式恐吓或威迫 

  The accused is say to have intimidate the witness. 有人说被告对证人进行恐吓。 


  让世界翘首期待的乔布斯个人传记的作者称,在史蒂夫-乔布斯去世前的几周前, 他一直忍受着病痛,有时甚至虚弱到无法爬上楼梯。他十分希望孩子们能够理解为什么自己总不能在家里陪伴他们。 

  记者沃尔特-艾萨克森曾获得过普利策奖提名,他问过乔布斯,为什么已经选择了过这种隐秘的甚至像苦行僧一般的生活,现在却要授权这样一份“几乎无所不谈”的个人传记。对此, 这位苹果公司的创办解释道,“我希望我的孩子们能够了解我。” 








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