都说乐观的情绪可以影响到身边的人,一个笑容、一句鼓励就可能点亮某一天。今天,我们就来说说这些有魔力的乐观的句子。 1. I have faith in you./I have confidence in you. 我对你有信心。 2. I'm sure we'll win./I'm confident about our victory. 我敢肯定我们会赢。 3. I anticipate your success. 我期待着你的成功。 4. It's all plain sailing. 事情进展很顺利。 5. I'm very optimistic about our chances of success. 我觉得我们获胜的机会很大。 6. Your work is bound to be successful. 你一定会成功的。 7. I have every confidence in my success. 我有信心,我一定会成功的。 8. I'm an optimist. 我是个乐观主义者。 9. I can do it blindfolded. 我闭着眼睛都能做到。 10. I have every confidence in his promotion. 我相信他一定能升职。 11. I'm full of optimism for the future. 我对未来十分乐观。 12. I hold an optimistic view of events. 我看事情比较乐观。 13. There's no doubt we will win. 毫无疑问,我们会成功的。 14. There's nothing to worry about. 没有什么可担心的。 15. Everything will be fine./Things will turn out all right./Things will work out all right. 一切都会好起来的。 16. Everything will come up roses. 一切都会圆满结束的。 我们讲过如何地道表达乐观情绪。但是人不可避免地会情绪低落,这时候我们可能觉得天空都是灰暗的,现在我们来看一下怎么来表达这些情绪吧! 1. I'm all at sea. 我是一片茫然。 2. Don't get your hopes too high. 不要期望太高。 3. No chance at all./Fat chance. 不可能的。 4. I'm throwing in the towel. 我认输了。 5. My heart is heavy./I'm heavy-hearted. 我心情很沉重。 6. I'm not too happy about it. 我对此并不乐观。 7. Where do I go from here? 我该何去何从呢? 8. We've had it. 我们无计可施了。/我们没希望了。 9. No way./It's hopeless. 不可能的,没希望了。 10. It's the end of the world for me. 对我来说这简直是世界末日。 11. No such luck! 没那么好运气!/没那么好命! 12. I've got a lot on my mind. 我的心情有些沉重。 13. That's the way it goes. 实在没有办法。/现实就是这样。 14. I'm downhearted. 我感到灰心丧气。 15. I don't feel like doing anything./I don't have enthusiasm for anything. 我提不起精神做任何事。 16. I'm on my last legs. 我真是山穷水尽了。 17. It's fate./It's doomed./It is my destiny. 这是注定的。/我命该如此。 网友评论