非洲草原上演人类狮群夺食一幕(组图) 为了有口饭吃,当地土著居民经常会从狮子口中争夺食物
For most people, bumping into a pack of 15 bloodthirsty lions tucking into a fresh kill would be enough to make you turn around and run like you've never ran before. 对于我们大部分人来讲,无意中碰到15只张着血盆大口享受着新鲜的猎物会让我们撒腿就跑,估计跑得比火箭都快。 But, as these images show, for humans searching for a meal in the harsh terrains of Africa, it is an opportunity to feast. 但是正如图片中显示的,在贫瘠的非洲大草原上这或许是当地居民饱餐一顿的大好机会。 Incredibly, tribespeople in Africa are now regularly stealing food from packs of lions, as these three hungry men demonstrate. 令人难以置信的是,当地土著居民经常会从狮群中偷食物。 On the hunt: Tribespeople in Africa are now regularly stealing food from packs of lions as a way to provide their families with substantial meals. 为了有口饭吃,当地土著居民经常会从狮子口中争夺食物 三个人跟踪一只刚刚收获猎物的狮子
Skilled: The trio begin their search for food by looking for the tracks of a lion pride hunting. 三个人跟踪一只刚刚收获猎物的狮子 Scary: Eventually, the men find a pack of 15 bloodthirsty lions tucking into a dead wildebeest 最终,三个人发现了一群狮子,一共15只,它们正在享受着一只羚羊。 Their hunt for dinner begins by finding the tracks of a lion pride on the hunt for food。它们通过跟踪其中一只有收获的狮子来解决自己的晚餐。 The oldest member of the group - at 65 - leads the way, and it's not long before they come across the signs of a fresh kill。 三人中年长者已经65岁了,他是带头人,不久他们便发现了猎物的踪迹。 In images which would otherwise terrify most of us, the trio soon stumble across 15 lions tearing into a dead wildebeest。 三人发现了15只凶猛的狮子正在吃一只羚羊,这一幕恐怕能把我们大多数人吓傻了。 狮子的牙齿正在滴血
Their huge teeth can be seen dripping with the blood of their kill. 狮子们牙齿在滴血。 But instead of making a sharp exit, the men - who are massively outnumbered by one of the world's most feared predators - begin to plan their attack. 面对强敌,三人没有退缩,而是开始计划发起进攻。 Acting as one to hopefully intimidate the pack, the trio all stand up together and confidently walk towards the lions. 三人并行自信的向狮群走去。 Initially nothing happens, enough to shred the nerves of anyone. 一开始,一切都平安无恙,但足以令人提心吊胆的 But incredibly, as the men confidently stroll towards the group, a number of the lions begin to run away, obviously fearing for their own lives. 奇怪的是,当三人靠近狮群时,它们开始四散奔逃,显得十分惶恐。 As the men get closer to the dead animal, all of the lions disperse and instead watch eagerly from the fringes. 当三人走近被吃的猎物时,所有狮子都散开,在远处观察着。 三人耐心的观察着狮子们
Within seconds, the men strip the dead wildebeest of its meat. They need to be quick as the lions will make a return once they realise they have been fooled. 三人迅速动手开始从零羊身上撕肉,他们必须手脚麻利,因为当狮子意识到自己被愚弄之后很快会回来。 Patient: The men initially wait and watch as the lions feast on their catch 三人耐心的观察着狮子们 鼓起勇气,三人同时站起开始迅速的靠近狮群。
Incredible: Showing nerves of steal, the trio then rise as one and begin to walk confidently and quickly towards the pack. 鼓起勇气,三人同时站起开始迅速的靠近狮群。 在接近狮群的同时狮子也在想该如何应对
Bloodied: As the men approach the lions look up to decide what action they should take. 在接近狮群的同时狮子也在想该如何应对 狮群四散奔逃
Running away: As the men get closer to the ravenous pack, the lions begin to disperse in fear of their own lives. 狮群四散奔逃 三人偷它们的猎物时,狮子在一旁紧张的看着
Stand-off: As the men begin to steal the meat, the lions look on nervously. 三人偷它们的猎物时,狮子在一旁紧张的看着 三人达到了目标
Lucky: Thankfully, the men are able to take the meat without either one of them or the lions being injured 幸运的是双方都没有伤亡,三人达到了目标。 网友评论