
http://www.sina.com.cn   2012年07月16日 11:41   沪江英语

  The Modern Family actress -- who is currently enjoying a birthday extravaganza at a Mexico resort alongside 90 loved ones -- is now engaged to her on-again love Nick Loeb, a source confirms to Us Weekly.

  The insider reveals Loeb popped the question during a visit to Chichen Itza, some Mayan ruins near the Rosewood Mayakoba resort where Vergara (and her massive group of birthday revelers!) are staying.

  Wonderwall first broke the news of Vergara's happy news and pointed out that on Monday night, Vergara showed off a tell-tale diamond sparkler in a photo posted on her friend Fernando Fiore's Twitter.

  The marriage will be the Three Stooges star's second; the actress wed Joe Gonzalez as a teen, with whom she has a son, 20-year-old Manolo. (She and Gonzalez divorced in 1993).

  Vergara first met the politically active Loeb (who considered a 2010 run for Florida's state senate) at a Golden Globes party in 2008; the pair split ways after "fighting for a long time" in early May, though they reunited just a few weeks later. "They have a crazy relationship," an insider explained of the duo's roller-coaster romance. "They break up and make up. They fight and make up hard!"

  如今,《摩登家庭》辣妈索菲亚-维佳拉(Sofia Vergara)正与90多位亲友在墨西哥度假胜地享受奢华假日,庆祝自己40岁的生日。同时,据US Weekly,她已经与分分合合的爱人尼克-罗卜(Nick Loeb)订婚啦!真可谓是双喜临门。

  知情人士透露,罗卜是在去玛雅古城时向维佳拉求婚的。维佳拉此刻正在该地附近的Rosewood Mayakoba与亲友庆祝生日。

  娱乐网站Wonderwall首先发布了维佳拉订婚的好消息,并特别指出在周一晚,维佳拉佩带着一枚暗示性十足的钻石戒指出现在好友费尔南多-费奥雷(Fernando Fiore)的推特照片里。

  这将是《三个臭皮匠》女星维佳拉的第二段婚姻。她在年少时与乔-冈萨雷斯(Joe Gonzalez )结婚,两人与1993年离婚,他们有一个20岁的儿子马诺罗(Manolo)。维佳拉在2010年的金球奖派对上与政治活动家罗卜相识,当时罗卜正在参选佛罗里达州参议员。今年5月,两人在经历了“长时期的争执”后分手,但在几个星期后就复合了。一位知情人士这样诠释他们两人过山车般的浪漫爱情:“他们有一段非常疯狂的感情。他们分手再复合,他们争吵后再努力地弥补过错。”



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