看图学英文:动物世界的那些事儿![]() carbon copy: 非常相似的人或物 例句1:She made her room a carbon copy of the hotel room we stayed last year. 她把屋子布置得和我们去年住过的酒店房一模一样。 例句2:He's a carbon copy of his twin brother. 他和孪生兄弟长得一模一样。 ![]() out of shape: 处于不良的健康状况(多指肥胖) 例句1:Men who stay fit can lower their risk of dying from a heart condition by 30 percent as compared with those who are out of shape. 与身体状态不佳的男性相比,身体素质好的男性死于心脏病的机率低30%。 例句2:He looks old and out of shape. 他看起来又老又肥。 ![]() like-minded: 志趣相投的 例句1:He founded the company with a group of like-minded people. 他在与一群志向相似的人共同创办了这个公司。 例句2:The speed dating agency brings like-minded single people together for social events. 这家速配机构给志同道合的单身男女创造社交的机会。 ![]() nose dive: 俯冲,用来比喻盈利或者价格的直线下降或者暴跌 飞机正在行驶中汽油消耗完了,或者引擎偏偏在半空中出了故障,这时这架飞机会发生什么情况呢?很可能会这样——nose dive,即飞机急速下降,换句话说是俯冲。这个习惯用语被广泛应用在航空之外的其它方面,例如股票市场或者商业贸易。 例句:It's not good news -- our profits took a real nose dive the last couple of months. In fact they're down about 50 percent from the same time last year. 这可不是什么好消息。这几个月来我们的盈利确实直线下降,和去年同期相比下降了几乎百分之五十。
![]() a horse of a different color: 完全是另一回事 例句:Taking the exam is one thing but passing it is a horse of a different color. 考试是一回事,而通过考试又是另一回事。 ![]() feel like a fish out of water: 格格不入 例句:I'm not used to hanging out with the big shots. It made me feel like a fish out of water. 我不习惯跟大人物混在一起,感觉格格不入。 ※ “格格不入”的其他表达: 例句1:His appearance here is like a square peg in a round hole. 他在这里出现,显得有些格格不入。 例句2:She is out of step with modern life. 她与现代生活格格不入。 例句3:Dishonesty is foreign/alien to his nature. 弄虚作假与他的本性水火不容。 例句4:His ideas were out of tune with the period in which he lived. 他的思想与他所处的那个时代格格不入。 例句5:I never fit in at school. 我在学校一直都格格不入。 ※ Whales are marine mammals instead of fish. 鲸鱼并不是鱼,而是生活在海中的哺乳动物。 网友评论