
http://www.sina.com.cn   2012年07月18日 13:39   沪江英语

  We're not sure how much that doggy in the window was, but for one reason or another, Suri Cruise was denied the addition of a four-legged friend while hitting up a New York City pet store with mama Katie Holmes over the weekend.

  And, rather unsurprisingly if oh-so-fittingly, proceeded to direct her best pouty puppy-dog eyes at Tom Cruise's estranged missus. Aw!

  Of course, the image probably wasn't so cute to Katie, as the Catholic school-bound 6-year-old quickly ramped up her doe-eyed game from endearing pout to full-on strop, while paparazzi caught the tears flowing as the mother-daughter duo made their way out of the pet store empty-handed.

  While at Manhattan's Citipup on Saturday, the pooch that seemed to most catch Suri's eye was a black and white Yorkshire terrier and Maltese mix. Can't say we blame her—that four-legged friend is almost as adorable as Katie's Mini-Me herself.

  Still, chalk it up to a life lesson learned: Not all puppy love is requited. Hey, maybe she'll have better luck with dad? A source tells E! Online that Cruise is expected to reconnect with Suri imminently, having finally wrapped production on his Californi a-shooting sci-fi flick Oblivion.

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  上周末,凯蒂·赫尔姆斯(Katie Holme)携爱女苏瑞·克鲁斯(Suri Cruise)到纽约一家宠物店购物。我们不清楚那只小狗要价多少,但很明显妈妈凯蒂拒绝了苏瑞想要将小狗玩伴带回家的愿望。







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