
http://www.sina.com.cn   2012年07月19日 13:59   国际在线

  Archaeologists are convinced they've unearthed the secret behind the world's most famous painting, the Mona Lisa.


  Buried beneath the floor of a convent in Florence, Italy they've found a skeleton they believe belonged to Lisa Gherardini, the model who posed for Leonardo's da Vinci's mysterious masterpiece.


  The convent was the burial site of Lisa Gherardini, wife of the wealthy Florentine silk merchant Francesco del Giocondo, who modelled for Leonardo Da Vinci.


  Most modern historians agree that the lady depicted in the Mona Lisa was Lisa del Giocondo, who became a nun after her husband's death. She died in the convent on July 15, 1542, aged 63.


一支考古队去年开始挖掘废弃的圣乌尔苏拉修道院。 一支考古队去年开始挖掘废弃的圣乌尔苏拉修道院。

  An archeological team began digging at the abandoned Convent of Saint Ursula last year.


  They quickly struck gold, finding a crypt they believe to have been Lisa's final resting place and soon after they unearthed a female-sized human skull.


  The skull was found five feet under the convent's original floor along with other fragments of human ribs and vertebrae.


  Plans to continue the dig were suspended when the team ran out of funds, but they were able to resume last month.


  And this week, they found a human skeleton.


这些骨头将被送去化验看是否与去年发现的头骨相匹配。 这些骨头将被送去化验看是否与去年发现的头骨相匹配。

  The bones will undergo tests to establish if they match the skull found last year.


  Scientists will then compare the DNA in the bones with the remains of the model's two children who were buried nearby.


  Once they have verified the skeleton and skull belong to the model forensic artists will attempt to reconstruct her face to see how it compares to the 500-year-old version painted by da Vinci - and perhaps solve the riddle of the Mona Lisa's enigmatic smile in the process.


  Archeologist Silvano Vinceti, who is in charge of the dig, explained: 'We don't know yet if the bones belong to one single skeleton or more than one.

  负责这次挖掘的考古专家Silvano Vinceti解释:“我们还不确定这些骨头属于一个人还是某几个人。”


  'But this confirms our hypothesis that in St.Ursula convent there are still human bones and we cannot exclude that among them there are bones belonging to Lisa Gherardini.'


  The Mona Lisa is an oil on panel painting owned by the French government and the image is so widely recognised and caricatured that it is considered the most famous painting in the world.


  Da Vinci started to paint it in 1503 or 1504 and finished it in 1519, shortly before his death, and after he had moved to France.




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