时尚辣妈夏季必备潮品大盘点(组图)   2012年07月19日 14:56   国际在线

  A few of the things are summer staples—if you don't already own them, you should. Why? Because you can stick them in a drawer (or under your bed) and pull them out again year after year. The others are for fun, diversionary pleasure and nothing more.


 黑色连衣裙 黑色连衣裙

  The Black One-Piece

  A surefire option is Norma Kamali's retro-style "Bill" halterneck. I don't know anyone who owns a Kamali who isn't pleased that they do. Kamali is the queen of flatter. She can make any body shape look good. ?295.


  Norma Kamali复古风格的挂脖短裙是一个不错的选择。我不知道身着Kamali的人有谁会不满意他们的选择。Kamali是奉承之王,它可以让任何人的身材都看起来超棒。295英镑

 终极吊带裙 终极吊带裙

  The Ultimate Slip Dress

  Lucza's simple, silk "Camisole" slip dress is one of those dresses that fashion writers describe nauseatingly as something that could take you "from day to evening." In this case, it's true—only it could take you from the beach to the bar to the bed; use it as a coverup, a cocktail dress and a nightie.

  Buy all three colors (black, champagne and gray) if you can, and your holiday dressing will be sorted. ?110


  Lucza简单的丝质背心式吊带裙,被时尚编辑们令人作呕地描述成可以 “从早穿到晚”的裙子之一。这种说法不假——唯有它可以被用来当作沙滩服、酒会礼服、睡衣,让你穿着从海滩到酒吧、再到床上。



  The Manolo Sandal

  Wear the "Prone" with white pants (see below), jeans, shorts, or a skirt. Don't bother with the latest blue or green nail polish, either; classic Chanel red is called for here. ?420.



 现代夏季电影 现代夏季电影

  The Stylish Summer Movie

  "Comes a Bright Day," Simon Aboud's first feature-length movie, took less than a couple of years from concept to completion. Aboud, a former commercials director, wrote the script and directed it. Exquisite Imogen Poots and the impressive Timothy Spall star in this heist. Paul Smith created the wardrobe, and a song from dad-in-law Paul McCartney is included in the soundtrack. Opens July 13 in the U.K.


  西蒙?阿鲍德的第一部长篇电影《Comes a Bright Day》,没几年便实现了从最初概念到最终完成。曾是商业广告导演的阿鲍德,撰写了剧本并亲自导演。这部抢劫片由高雅的伊莫珍?波茨和令人印象深刻的蒂莫西?斯波出演。Paul Smith服饰包揽了电影中的全部行头。一首来自保罗?麦卡特尼的歌曲担当电影配乐。



  The Navy-Blue Bikini

  Navy blue suits everyone. It's not the new black—it's better. It's chic, understated and practical. I am a fan of Melissa Odabash, and nobody does navy like she does. The "Paris" halterneck is a classic. Perfect for those who need more, or less, coverage; it kind of works either way. From ?180.


  深蓝色适合任何人。它不仅仅是创新,而是更好。它时髦、低调又实用。我是Melissa Odabash的粉丝,没有人能做出它一样的深蓝色。巴黎式吊带背心是经典的。对于那些需求更多的或是需求较少的人均适用。180英镑起


  The White Pants

  It doesn't really matter where you buy these, so long as they fit you properly. When I say fit, I mean skinny, not spray on. White pants should neither be too tight nor overly long (the operative length being just above a tanned ankle).

  My own recommendations are Gap (?46) and Goldsign (?225). If you are lucky, they will be in the sale.





  The Cashmere Sweater

  Right now, you would be better advised to buy from the new pre-fall collections than the sales, because sale cashmere is the one item other than silk that gets picked over, dropped on the floor and generally abused the most. I'm a fan of Chinti and Parker, and I love their oversize "Fishergirl" sweater. ?325.



Jack Purcell运动鞋Jack Purcell运动鞋

  The Jack Purcell Sneaker

  James Dean allegedly wore Purcells, as did practically every other Hollywood star in the 1940s and '50s. Purcell, a world-class badminton player, originally designed these shoes to enhance his own on-court performance. Low-key but with the trademark smile on the bumper, these trainers look great in leather or canvas. From ?50.

  Jack Purcell运动鞋



  The Big Sunnies

  I hope you will forgive me for using the C word twice in one column, but Chanel really does make very good summer essentials. Their simple, black round sunglasses, with the tiny twin Cs on the arms, are such classic pieces that I will be surprised if you don't already own a pair. From ?160.




  The Beach Read

  "Alys Always" (2012) was written by Harriet Lane. You won't leave your lounger until you are done, I promise. ?12.99.


  《Alys Always》(2012)由哈里特。雷恩所著。我保证把它一口气读完才会离开躺椅。12.99英镑。



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