
http://www.sina.com.cn   2012年07月20日 10:19   沪江英语

  Stephen Moyer has confirmed that he and wife Anna Paquin are expecting twins.

  "I love my kids beyond anything," the True Blood actor, 42, told Us Weekly of his two children, Billy and Lilac, from previous relationships. "They're the best things ever, and having two more is just going to be even more crazy, but that's cool!"

  The couple announced in April that they were expecting their first child, and Paquin, 29, is due in the fall. They wed in 2010 after getting engaged the previous year.

  True Blood airs Sundays at 9/8c on HBO.


  史蒂芬-莫耶(Stephen Moyer)近日确认,妻子安娜-帕奎因(Anna Paquin)孕育的是一对双胞胎。

  “我爱我的孩子,超过世上的一切!(安娜听了不会吃醋么)”这位42岁的《真爱如血》(True Blood)员谈及自己的一双儿女(均为前任们所生)——比利(Billy)和莱拉可(Lilac)时,向《美国周刊》(Us Weekly )透露,“他们是发生在我身上最幸运的事,又多了两个孩子后我的世界将变得更加疯狂,但我爱他们!”





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