小男孩学会骑单车发表超萌演说(视频)美国小男孩学会骑单车 发表超萌励志演说 媒体来源:新浪教育
一个美国的小男孩经历千辛万苦终于学会了骑自行车,处于兴奋中的他站在台阶上用高亢的声音发表了1分钟的励志演说!If you keep practicing. You will get the hang of it.有时候我们也可以对自己说:去做吧,去尝试吧,你会成功的! 视频双语文本 I feel...I feel... 我觉得... 我觉得... You feel alive? 你觉得很有活力? I feel happy of myself! 我为自己感到高兴! I feel happy in yourself, too. Well, you want any words of wisdom? What about brother other kids try to learn how to ride a bike? Can you say anything to them? 我也为你感到高兴!想说些智慧之言吗?想不想教其他孩子如何学会骑脚踏车?可以对他们说些什么吗? Everybody! I know you can believe in yourself. If you believe in yourself, you will know how to ride a bike. If you don't, you just keep practicing. You will get the hang of it, I know it! If you... If you keep practicing. You will can get the hang of it. And then, you can get better and better at it. If you good, if you do it. 各位!我知道你们也可以相信自己。如果你相信自己,你就会学会如何骑自行车。如果你还不会,你只要继续练习。我知道你一定能够得心应手的!如果你持续的练习,你就能得心应手,然后你就可以骑的越来越好。如果你愿意去做的话。 Give me some thumbs up. 来比个赞! Thumbs up everybody. 大家都在赞一下。 Alright. 很好。 For rock&roll! 摇滚不死! 网友评论