
http://www.sina.com.cn   2012年07月24日 09:50   沪江英语

  In what may be the longest bedtime story of all time, we’ve been waiting seven seasons for Ted Mosby to tell his two children how he met their mother.

  Now it looks like these kids had better cancel their weekend plans, because CBS is currently in talks to extend How I Met Your Mother to a ninth season before the eighth has even been filmed.

  According to Variety, the potential for an additional season comes after the show received an unexpected ratings boost last season.

  The studio is waiting to announce its final decision until after Season 8 starts airing this September, but one concern about continuing the series is that the central actors’s contracts only go through the end of this season.

  The majority of the leads on HIMYM — including Jason Segel and Neil Patrick Harris — have regular work in film and television, and asking them to continue after eight years might be a bit demanding.

  Whatever CBS decides, they’d better make up their minds soon because we’d really like to know how Ted met his wife already!

  这也许是史上最长的睡前故事了,目前我们已经听泰德•莫斯比(Ted Mosby)向2个孩子讲了整整7年他遇见老妈的故事。



  《老爸老妈浪漫史》的主演们——连同杰森•西格尔(Jason Segal,剧中饰演马修一角)和尼尔•帕特里克•哈里斯(Neil Patrick Harris,剧中饰演巴尼一角)在内有其他常规的电影和电视拍摄工作,而在第八季结束后向他们续约难度较大。





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