
http://www.sina.com.cn   2012年07月27日 12:13   沪江英语

  Yomna Khallaf said her workout bags had a big Nike logo in the front but the zippers had an Adidas branding on them.

  The Egyptian Olympic Committee (EOC) secretary general, Motaz Sonbol, said they were shocked to find that the gear was not "directly from Nike".

  Nike said it was "concerned" athletes may have received products that do not meet the company's quality standards.

  A Nike spokesman said the company was recently made aware that the EOC chose a sports gear vendor who allegedly supplied counterfeit footwear and apparel bearing the Nike trademarks.

  The company said it was now in discussions with the EOC to see if a solution could be reached.

  But the committee's chairman, Gen Mahmoud Ahmed Ali, defended the decision to go for the "counterfeit" gear because of his country's tight finances, AP reports.

  "We signed with a Chinese distributor in light of Egypt's economic situation," he said. Ms Khallaf tweeted that she had to spend more than $300 (£195) of her own money to buy satisfactory gear.

  The general accepted no responsibility for the counterfeit goods, telling Ahram Online: 'You can never tell the difference between the original and the fake ones.'

  BBC Arab Affairs Editor Shaimaa Khalil says the incident has caused a major controversy on social media, with some users describing it as a disgrace.

  Egypt is being represented by 112 Olympians at London 2012.




  埃及奥组委主席阿默德-阿里最近承认,埃及代表团运动员所使用的耐克服装和背包均是赝品。不过阿默德-阿里表示,即便这是赝品,但质量也足够好:“考虑到目前埃及的经济形势,我们与一家来自中国的经销商签订了协议。” 本周三,阿默德-阿里在接受美联社采访时说道。他还表示,真货的价格实在太贵,目前埃及的财政状况负担不了如此费用。

  耐克公司已经在星期三发表了声明:“我们高度关注此事,如果情况属实,那么那些运动员所穿戴的耐克产品根本没有达到正品耐克的质量标准。” 耐克还表示几周前他们就试着与埃及奥组委联系,但没有结果。目前,他们要求埃及方面立马采取行动:“我们目前正在与他们讨论,看看能否商讨出解决办法。”





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