
http://www.sina.com.cn   2012年07月27日 14:32   沪江英语


  The Rookie is a 2002 drama sports film directed by John Lee Hancock. It is based on the true story of Jim Morris, who had a brief, but famous Major League Baseball career in 1999. The film stars Dennis Quaid, Rachel Griffiths, Jay Hernandez, and Brian Cox.



  冰雪公主 Ice Princess (2005)

  导演: 蒂姆·费威尔

  编剧: Hadley Davis

  主演: 米歇尔·崔切伯格 / 琼·库萨克 / 海顿·潘妮蒂尔 / 金·凯特罗尔 / Trevor Blumas

  类型: 剧情 / 喜剧 / 家庭 / 运动

  语言: 英语

  上映日期: 2005-03-18(美国)




  Gen Harwood: You know, I may not be as smart as you are, but I'm not an idiot.

  Tina Harwood: Are you aware you had practice half an hour ago.

  Gen Harwood: yes, i am aware and i am done.

  Tina Harwood: you can't do this it is ridicules.

  Gen Harwood: no i was ridicules for putting myself in this for so long. we both know i don't have the talent.

  Gen Harwood: do you know what i want. no you don't know what i want. i want to go to the home coming dance with brian, i want stop missing school, i like school. i want to stop feeling like an idiot for flunking math because i don't have the time to learn it. i want...

  Tina Harwood: O.K. we will continue this discussion at home



  那些最伟大的比赛 The Greatest Game Ever Played (2005)

  导演: 比尔·帕克斯顿

  编剧: 马克·弗罗斯特

  主演: 希亚·拉博夫 / James Paxton / 斯蒂芬·迪兰 / 彼得·弗斯 / 佩顿·利斯特

  类型: 剧情

  语言: 英语

  上映日期: 2005-09-30

  20世纪之初,高尔夫球还只是英国贵族和绅士们的游戏,底层人民没有资格染指其中,它无疑是身份和权力的象征。少年弗朗西斯·奥密特(Matthew Knight 饰)出身平民家庭,读书之余他经常担任球童贴补家用。在这一过程中,对高尔夫球的热爱悄悄在他的心中生根发芽。他勤奋努力,且天资聪颖,渐渐成长为一名出色的业余选手。1913年,弗朗西斯有幸参加绅士云集的公开赛,它不仅有机会与自己的偶像哈里·瓦顿(史蒂芬·迪雷恩 Stephen Dillane 饰)正面对决,还将成为改写高尔夫球史的重要人物……

  本片改编自马克·弗罗斯特(Mark Frost)的同名畅销小说,取材于高尔夫球界的真实故事。



  Harry Vardon: [to Lord Northcliff] Let me tell you something. I came here to win a trophy. And on the face of it Ted Ray or I should carry it off. Not for you, not for England, but for sheer bloody pride at being the best, *that's* why we do this. And if Mr. Ouimet wins tomorrow, it's because he's the best, because of who he is. Not who his father was, not how much money he's got, because of who he bloody is! And I'll thank you to remember that. And I'll thank you to show the respect a gentleman gives as a matter of course.



  挑战奇迹 Miracle (2004)

  导演: Gavin O'Connor

  编剧: 埃里克·古根海姆

  主演: Kurt Russell / Patricia Clarkson

  类型: 剧情 / 家庭 / 历史 / 运动

  语言: 英语

  上映日期: 2004-02-06

  1979年,陷入越战和冷战的美国,没有在科技大发展时代得到重生,反而滑向了信心危机的困局,“美国精神”发生了动摇。赫伯·布鲁克斯(库尔特·拉塞尔 Kurt Russell 饰)是带领明尼苏达大学冰球队夺得三连冠的功勋教练,在冬季奥运开赛的半年前,赫伯受命组建并训练新一届美国冰球队。当时苏联冰球队在国际上占据绝对统治地位,六十年代以来连续夺得奥运金牌。在赫伯组队伊始,他就把苏联作为最终对手看待。赫伯从各大学召来优秀冰球选手组成了一支26人的初选队,在严酷的训练中,这些非职业队员们形成了一个真正有战斗力的团体。奥运揭幕前三天,美苏两国冰球队进行了一场热身性质的比赛,美国队虽然落败,但赫伯和他的队员们都清楚,真正的较量在奥运会上……



  Herb Brooks: Two days later the miracle was made complete. My boys defeated Finland to win the gold medal, coming from behind once again. As I watched them out there, celebrating on the ice, I realized that Patti had been right. It was a lot more than a hockey game, not only for those who watched it, but for those who played in it. I've often been asked in the years since Lake Placid what was the best moment for me. Well, it was here - the sight of 20 young men of such differing backgrounds now standing as one. Young men willing to sacrifice so much of themselves all for an unknown. A few years later, the U.S. began using professional athletes at the Games - Dream Teams. I always found that term ironic because now that we have Dream Teams, we seldom ever get to dream. But on one weekend, as America and the world watched, a group of remarkable young men gave the nation what it needed most - a chance, for one night, not only to dream, but a chance, once again, to believe.




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