
http://www.sina.com.cn   2012年07月27日 18:54   沪江英语
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  The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge – along with Prince Harry – officially greeted the Olympic torch on Thursday outside Buckingham Palace as large crowds gathered in London to watch the relay through the city.

  The flame was was met by Prime Minister David Cameron earlier on Downing Street before it ended up in Hyde Park, where 60,000 people gathered to watch as the final torchbearer lit a cauldron, BBC News reports.

  Earlier in the day, the royals flaunted their sporting skills – and spent some quality time with kids – at the launch of a sports-related charity.

  William and Kate, both 30, and Harry, 27, visited Bacon's College to launch the Coach Core program, a partnership between their foundation and the Greenhouse charity that will help train the country's future youth-sports coaches.

  They didn't just watch the action, either. On the eve of the London Olympics, William kicked a soccer ball around, Harry shot hoops in the gym and Kate tried her hand at table tennis. "Watching me on the football field is never a pretty sight. The expression giraffe on ice springs to mind," William said in a speech later on. "Catherine, on the other hand, with a tennis racket or a hockey stick is something to behold and be aware of."





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