
http://www.sina.com.cn   2012年08月03日 09:46   沪江英语
老爸老妈浪漫史:维多利亚回归第八季 老爸老妈浪漫史:维多利亚回归第八季


老爸老妈浪漫史:维多利亚回归第八季 老爸老妈浪漫史:维多利亚回归第八季

  How I Met Your Mother isn’t ready to close the book on the Ted-Victoria love story just yet. The CBS comedy is bringing back Ashley Williams (a.k.a. Victoria) for a multi-episode arc in Season 8 premiere, TVLine has learned exclusively.

  In the Season 7 finale, Ted (Josh Radnor) and Victoria admitted they still had feelings for one another just as she was getting ready to tie the knot with another guy. Ted’s conscience got the best of him though and he decided to escort his ex directly to the ceremony. But just as he was about to drop her off, memories of their romance started flooding back and they bypassed the church.

  Their little reunion hits a snag in the Sept. 24 opener when Ted discovers that Victoria didn’t bother to leave a Dear John note to her jilted fiancé — prompting him to turn the car around and head back to the church. “The episode shows all of the ramifications of that decision,” exec producer Craig Thomas teased to TVLine last May.

  《老爸老妈浪漫史》还没打算给泰德和维多利亚的爱情故事打上句号。《电视线》(TVLine)独家爆料说这部CBS的喜剧准备在第八季的第一集让阿什莉•威廉姆斯(Ashley Williams)(即维多利亚[Victoria])重新出现,演绎一段跨剧集的故事情节。

  第七季季终,正当维多利亚准备和另一个男人永结同心的时候,她和泰德(Ted)(乔什·拉德诺[Josh Radnor])相互承认自己对对方还有感觉。但是泰德的道德感占了上风,决定直接护送前情人去婚礼现场。但是就在他打算让她下车的时候,对于过去的浪漫回忆如潮涌来,他们在教堂前疾驶而过。

  在即将于九月二十四日开播的首集中,他们的再续前缘遇到了障碍,泰德发现维多利亚没有费心给被她抛弃的未婚夫留下一封绝交信——这促使他调转车头开回了教堂。五月时,执行制片人克雷格•托马斯(Craig Thomas)曾经对《电视线》记者开玩笑说:“这一集显示了这个决定的所有后果。”



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