
http://www.sina.com.cn   2012年08月03日 14:04   沪江英语


  本届奥运体操赛场上,一位来自德国的25岁体操男选手麦瑞-纳亚(Marcel Nguyen)因其精致英俊的脸庞和健魄的身材迷倒一众女粉丝,直呼最帅体操男。

  Marcel Van Minh Phuc Long Nguyen (born 8 September 1987 in Munich) is a German gymnast. He competed for the national team at the 2012 Summer Olympics in the Men's artistic team all-around, floor and parallel bars. He won the silver medal for Germany in the all round men's gymnastic competition.麦瑞-纳亚是来自德国的体操运动员,为德国和越南混血。他在2012伦敦奥运会上代表德国参加个人全能,自由体操和双杠的比赛。在北京时间8月2日凌晨进行的体操男子全能决赛中,麦瑞-纳亚以总分91.031分摘得银牌。



  Nguyen began gymnastics at the age of four, and at seven joined TSV Unterhaching. Since 1995, he has trained in the regional training center in Munich. Since 1997, Nguyen was part of the squad perspective, where Andreas Hirsch and Jens Milbradt were his coaches. He rose quickly from the D- to B-squad. Nguyen四岁开始练习体操,7岁加入拜仁州的TSV Unterhaching运动俱乐部。1995年开始,他在慕尼黑国家竞赛中心一直接受教练Kurt Szilier的训练。97年成为重点运动员,接受Andreas Hirsch跟Jens Milbradt的训练。他很快从D级运动员升到了B级。

  Since 2002, he has started for the Junior National Team. In 2005, Nguyen was the German junior champion on parallel bars, runner-up on rings and third in the vault. That same year he took part in the world championships in Melbourne for the first time and was 16th in the men on the parallel bars. After the World Cup Nguyen spent a year at the sports boarding school in Stuttgart in order to prepare with his teammates under the coaches Anatoli Jarmovski and Klaus Nigl for the 2006 World Championships in Aarhus.2002年他开始为少年国家队比赛。慕尼黑Isar运动中学负责他的中学教育。2005年纳亚成为德国双杠少年组第一人,同年他参加墨尔本世锦赛男子组,并获得双杠第16名。赛事结束后他转学一年到斯图加特的体育寄宿学校,在那里跟随国家男团一起接受教练Anatoli Jarmovski和Klaus Nigl的训练,备战06年奥尔胡斯(丹麦)世锦赛,并于06年夺得第7名。

加藤凌平 日本体操运动员加藤凌平 日本体操运动员

  加藤凌平 日本体操运动员

  Ryohei Kato (born September 9, 1993) is a Japanese gymnast. He competed for the national team at the 2012 Summer Olympics in the Men's artistic team all-around.加藤凌平是生于1993年的日本体操运动员。在2012年伦敦奥运会上代表日本参加男子个人全能的比赛。



菲利普-博伊 德国体操运动员菲利普-博伊 德国体操运动员

  菲利普-博伊 德国体操运动员

  Philipp Boy (born July 23, 1987 in Blumenhagen, East Germany) is a German gymnast.

  He was a member of the 2007 and 2010 World bronze medal winning teams. In addition, he won back-to-back silver medals in the World All Around competition (2010 and 2011). He is the 2011 European All Around Champion.In the 2011 World Championships, Boy won the silver all around because of his high bar routine. He received a score of 16.066, the highest score on high bar by far.



马克斯-维特罗克 英国体操运动员马克斯-维特罗克 英国体操运动员

  马克斯-维特罗克 英国体操运动员

  Max Whitlock (born 13 January 1993) is an English gymnast from Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire. In October 2010 he was part of the team which won the silver medal for England in the gymnastics in the men's artistic all-around team event at the 2010 Commonwealth Games. He also won the silver medal in the men's pommel horse and a bronze medal in the men's horizontal bar at the same games.马克斯-维特罗克是来自英国亨默尔亨普斯特德的体操运动员,生于1993年。在2010年英联邦运动会上,马克思为英国赢得了体操男子个人全能的银牌。此外,他还获得了男子跳马的银牌和单杠的铜牌。

  Whitlock is a member of Britain's gymnastics team at the 2012 Summer Olympics in London, where he helped the team claim a bronze medal at the team final on 30th July 2012 at the North Greenwich Arena. 维特罗克代表英国出征2012年伦敦奥运会,在7月30日的北格林威治体操馆,他帮助英国获得了暌违多年的铜牌。

马克斯-维特罗克 英国体操运动员马克斯-维特罗克 英国体操运动员

  马克斯-维特罗克 英国体操运动员

  Max Whitlock (born 13 January 1993) is an English gymnast from Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire. In October 2010 he was part of the team which won the silver medal for England in the gymnastics in the men's artistic all-around team event at the 2010 Commonwealth Games. He also won the silver medal in the men's pommel horse and a bronze medal in the men's horizontal bar at the same games.马克斯-维特罗克是来自英国亨默尔亨普斯特德的体操运动员,生于1993年。在2010年英联邦运动会上,马克思为英国赢得了体操男子个人全能的银牌。此外,他还获得了男子跳马的银牌和单杠的铜牌。

  Whitlock is a member of Britain's gymnastics team at the 2012 Summer Olympics in London, where he helped the team claim a bronze medal at the team final on 30th July 2012 at the North Greenwich Arena. 维特罗克代表英国出征2012年伦敦奥运会,在7月30日的北格林威治体操馆,他帮助英国获得了暌违多年的铜牌。

大卫-比尔亚夫斯基 俄罗斯体操运动员大卫-比尔亚夫斯基 俄罗斯体操运动员

  大卫-比尔亚夫斯基 俄罗斯体操运动员

  大卫-贝尔雅夫斯基(David Belyavskiy)1992年10月10日出生于俄罗斯沃特金斯克,是俄罗斯著名体操运动员。在2011年东京世界体操锦标赛上,大卫-贝尔雅夫斯基获得男子个人全能第六名。也是2012伦敦奥运赛场上人气很高的正太。

卡米勒-拉库 法国游泳运动员卡米勒-拉库 法国游泳运动员

  卡米勒-拉库 法国游泳运动员

  Camille Lacourt (French pronunciation: [kamij laku?]) (born April 22, 1985) is a French backstroke swimmer. He was born in Narbonne, France.卡米勒-拉库是法国仰泳名将,生于1985年。

  被誉为“泳池中乔-科塔加伦那(著名男模)”的卡米勒-拉库,在伦敦奥运会100米仰泳决赛登场,吸引不少观众一早锁定电视机。身高2米,拥有雕塑般立体五官的拉库在2010年法国网民“最喜爱运动员”评选中排名第七位,法国时尚界也是对他宠爱有加,他是奢侈品牌Chanel的腕表代言人,也是高级时装发布会的座上嘉宾,前不久还登上了法国著名时尚杂志《L'Officiel Hommes》的封面。




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